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词汇 肌肤
例句 Stephanie did not look well. The gloss had gone from her blond hair and her skin was splotchy looking.斯蒂芬妮看来身体不好,她的金发失去了光泽,肌肤上也出现了色斑。My skin cleared up when I started using the cream.用了这种护肤霜后,我的肌肤变得光洁了。The soft silk of her skirt was deliciously sensuous as it brushed against her bare leg.柔软的丝质裙子轻轻拂过她腿上的肌肤,感觉很舒服。Use a sunscreen to protect your skin against the sun's harmful rays.使用防晒霜保护你的肌肤,使肌肤免受太阳有害射线的伤害。The cream leaves your skin feeling soft and supple.这种护肤霜令你的肌肤柔嫩有弹性。He loved the feel of her soft hair against his skin.他喜欢她那柔滑的头发贴着他的肌肤的感觉。We sell gentle cosmetics for sensitive skin.我们销售适合敏感肌肤使用的温和化妆品。After-sun products will cool and hydrate your skin.晒后护肤品会清凉肌肤并为其补水。Sensitive Cream will not strip away the skin's protective layer.敏感肌肤专用面霜不会破坏皮肤表面的保护层。This cream is supposed to help nourish your skin.这种润肤霜可以滋养肌肤As my newborn cuddled at my breast, her tiny fingers stroked my skin.我刚出生的宝宝蜷伏在我胸前,细小的手指触碰着我的肌肤My skin cleared when I started using the cream.用了这种护肤霜后,我的肌肤变得光洁了。Keep your skin radiant using creams and lotions.使用护肤霜和润肤乳令肌肤保有光泽。The lotion cools and refreshes the skin.这种润肤液凉爽清新,能够焕发肌肤的活力。Sprays can sting sensitive skin.这些喷剂会使敏感肌肤感到刺痛。Press the powder gently on the skin with a velour puff.用丝绒粉扑轻轻将粉扑在肌肤上。He stood so close to her that he could smell the perfumed soap on her skin.他站得离她很近,近得能闻到她肌肤上香皂的味道。The chain cut into his tender flesh.链子勒进了他的细嫩肌肤中。A mother recognizes the feel of her child's skin when blindfolded. Similarly, she can instantly identify her baby's cry.即便是蒙上眼睛母亲也能摸出自己孩子的肌肤。同样,她也能立即听出自己孩子的哭声。This evens your skin tone and removes dead skin cells.这些可以使你的肌肤去除掉死去的皮肤细胞。Wear clothing that protects all exposed skin.着装要能保护所有裸露的肌肤You can guard against possible allergies by choosing products formulated for sensitive skin.您可以选择敏感肌肤配方产品,以防止发生过敏。You want clear, healthy skin.你需要洁净健康的肌肤For super-soft skin, lather on a light body lotion before you bathe.如果肌肤特别柔嫩,洗澡前先抹上一层清爽的润肤露。I looked at his thin face with its almost transparent skin.我看着他清瘦的脸,脸上肌肤几近透明。The secret of smooth, soft, young-looking skin is good old-fashioned water.保持肌肤柔滑青春的秘诀就是使用非常传统的清水。Show off your tan in this little white top.穿上这件白色小衫秀一下你的古铜色肌肤吧。The cream will restore youth and vitality to your skin.这款乳霜可以让你的肌肤恢复青春活力。She has lovely hair and perfect skin.她有一头秀发和完美无瑕的肌肤Sprays can sting sensitive skin.喷剂可能会使敏感肌肤感到刺痛。Myrrh is cooling and moisturizing to the skin, and anti-inflammatory.没药能使肌肤清爽湿润,并有消炎的作用。A mother recognises the feel of her child's skin when blindfolded. Similarly, she can instantly identify her baby's cry.即便是蒙上眼睛母亲也能摸出自己孩子的肌肤。同样地,母亲也能立即听出自己孩子的哭声。Flavio was flaunting his tan in a pair of white trunks.弗拉维奥穿了一条白色的游泳裤,炫耀自己晒成棕褐色的肌肤Using a sunscreen when you are young helps you to have healthy skin in later years.年轻时使用防晒油会使你在年老时拥有健康的肌肤The soap is kind to skin.这种肥皂不刺激肌肤Exfoliators remove dead cells from the surface of your skin.去角质霜可以去除肌肤表面的死细胞。Use moisturizer to soften your skin.使用润肤霜让你的肌肤变柔滑。




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