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词汇 Mayor
例句 The Mayor's Office issued an apologetic statement regarding the Mayor's indiscreet remarks.有关市长的失言,市长办公室发布了一则道歉的新闻稿。In today's edition, the paper endorsed Mayor Riley, who is running for re-election.今天的报纸支持赖利市长竞选连任。Her maternal grandfather was Mayor of Karachi.她外公曾是卡拉奇市的市长。The Mayor's misogynist remarks caused uproar from some women groups.市长仇视女性的谈话引起了一些女性团体的愤怒。He went forward to welcome the Mayor.他走向前去迎接市长。He was the first black to be elected as Mayor.他是第一位被选为市长的黑人。The Lord Mayor follows at the rear in his gilded coach.市长大人坐在他金碧辉煌的马车里,跟在后面。The office of Lord Mayor is an honorary one.市长大人的职位是一种荣誉职位。The Mayor kicked off the party.市长宣布晚会开始。The Mayor sounded out the experts' views on the question of environmental pollution.市长征询专家们对环境污染问题的看法。The Lord Mayor follows at the rear in his gilded coach.市长大人坐在他阔气的马车里在后面跟着。I have received an invitation to dine with the Mayor.我已接到邀请,与市长一同进餐。As rioting continued, Mayor Warren appealed for calm, but his words fell on deaf ears.暴乱持续,沃伦市长要求大家镇静下来,可他的话未受理睬。Mayor Dixon praised the efforts of those involved in the rescue.迪克森市长表扬了参加救援的人员所作的努力。The Mayor has her own social secretary.市长有她自己的社交秘书。The Mayor cut the ribbon to open a trade exhibition.市长为贸易展览会开幕剪彩。If you want to interview the Mayor, I can fix it.如果你要采访市长,我可以安排。State troopers acting under orders from the Mayor of Los Angeles have put down the riots.州警察奉洛杉矶市长之命镇压了暴乱。Mayor Rendell imposed the new contract terms.伦德尔市长强加了新的合同条款。The Mayor praised the rescue teams for their courage.市长称赞了救援队的英勇。As the results came in, it was now almost certain that Ken Livingstone would be the new Mayor of London.结果传来,现在几乎可以确定肯·利文斯通将成为伦敦新任市长。Our Chamber Music Society has the Lord Mayor as its patron.市长阁下是我们的室内音乐协会的资助人。The Mayor and his cohorts have abused their positions of power.市长和他的同党们滥用职权。The Mayor of Jerusalem has tried to minimise conflict by maintaining a middle way between the various religions.耶路撒冷市市长对各宗教采取折中的态度,力图使冲突最小化。The allegations cast a cloud over the Mayor's visit.这些说法给市长的访问投下了阴影。Mayor Wharton gave the proposal his blessing.沃顿市长批准了这个提议。Her Royal Highness was received by the Deputy Mayor.王妃殿下受到副市长的款待。The Mayor of West Berlin described the Germans as the happiest people in the world.西柏林市长称德国人是世界上最幸福的人。For his dedication the Mayor awarded him a medal of merit.为表彰他的奉献精神,市长授予他荣誉奖章。He was given the Freedom of the City of Dublin by the Lord Mayor.市长阁下亲自向他颁发了都柏林市荣誉市民称号。His function as a Mayor affords him the leverage to get things done through attending committee meetings.他的市长身份使他有能力通过出席委员会会议来达成一些事情。The Mayor cut a ribbon to launch the celebrations.市长为庆典剪彩。He will officiate as Mayor.他将担任市长之职。




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