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例句 The interests of producers and consumers may be in conflict.生产者和消费者的利益可能会有冲突。If you disobey these rules you may be disqualified from the examination.如果你不遵守这些规则,你可能被取消考试资格。She may be rich, but I wouldn't want to change places with her.她也许很有钱,但我不愿意和她交换位置。They may be damaging their corporate reputation.他们可能正在毁掉企业声誉。Political opponents of the regime may be tortured.这个政权的政治异己可能会遭受酷刑。The government regulates how much lead may be found in our water supply.政府限定了我们自来水中的含铅量。He may be capable of repeat infamies.他可能还会再干不光彩的勾当。The jury system may be a bit wonky but nobody's ever thought of anything better.陪审制度可能不太令人满意,但是没人能想出更好的体系来。There may be specific events which trigger aggressive displays in your dog.可能有某些特定事件会促使你的狗表现出敌意。He may be one of the main characters but I think he is a tedious great lump.他或许是主角之一,不过在我看来他是个烦人的傻大个儿。Cervical cancer may be cured with radical surgery when it is confined to the pelvis or regional lymph nodes.宫颈癌如果仅限于盆骨或周边淋巴结时,可以采用根除性手术治愈。Bechler may be behind some of the problems, but he is not the only person responsible.有些问题可能是贝希勒的责任,但要负责的并非只有他一人。Charlie may be lowlife, but he isn't stupid.查利也许是很坏,但是他并不笨。They'll have a steam or electric car, or may be a hybrid, soon in their garages.不久在他们的车库里将有蒸汽车或电力车,或者也许是两者混合型的车。Children may be tempted to climb into the front seat while the car is in motion.车辆行驶时,孩子可能会被前排的座位吸引而想要爬过去。Previous estimates of whale numbers may be wildly optimistic.先前对鲸的数量的估计可能太过乐观了。The verb may be either expressed or understood.这个动词可用可不用。A low-fibre diet may be a cause of diverticulitis.低纤维饮食可能是导致憩室炎的一个原因。Verbs may be inflected for person, tense, voice, and mood.动词随著人称、时态、语态和语气的不同可能会有词形的曲折变化。She may be fishing for a compliment and welcome your reassurance.她也许是在拐弯抹角地想获得称赞,希望得到你的肯定。If I may be allowed to venture an opinion.请允许我冒昧地发表意见。It may be possible for us to run with this proposal.我们继续运作这个提案还是有可能的。The background hum of the fan may be annoying to some users.有些用户会觉得风扇发出的嗡嗡声很烦人。Even that figure may be a gross underestimate.连那个数字都可能是严重低估。The following information may be helpful to readers.下列信息可能对读者有用。The ballast may be thrown out to make the balloon go higher.沙袋可以抛掉以使气球飞得更高。It may be necessary for us to sell the house.可能我们得把房子卖掉才行。Any one of these nuclear plants may be a disaster waiting to happen.这些核电厂中的任何一个都可能会成为灾难隐患。There are few people who may be described as geniuses.很少有能称得上天才的人。The body may be less resistant if it is cold.天冷时,身体的抵抗力会下降。To judge trips as if they're successes or failures may be oversimplifying things.仅以成功或失败来判断行程可能会过于简单化。With so many younger women snapping at her heels, this year may be her last chance to win the championship.今年也许是她夺冠的最后机会,因为许多更年轻的女选手都大有后来居上之势。Whatever else may be said of him, Mr Meese is not scared of a fight.无论别人还说他什么,米斯先生并不害怕打上一架。There may be problems if responsibilities are not adequately defined.如果责任没有充分界定,就可能出现问题。Parts of the administration may be changing but others have been obdurate defenders of the status quo.政府的一些部门可能正在作出改变,但是其他部门却执意维护现状。The matter may be left over for the present.这问题可暂不解决。If you pretend, you may be found out.如果你装假,有可能会被揭穿的。By the end of the decade, direct satellite connections for the Internet may be available.到这个十年结束时,互联网可能会以卫星直接连线。Homosexuality may be biologically determined.同性恋可能受生理因素影响。Your first inclination may be to panic.你的第一感觉也许会是恐慌。




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