例句 |
This offence has a maximum penalty of two years' imprisonment.这种罪行最多可判两年监禁。The maximum penalty is a year and a kick.最重的处罚是一年监禁并开除军籍。 The maximum penalty is five years in jail.最高可判处五年有期徒刑。She faces a maximum penalty of life in prison.她面临的最高刑罚是终身监禁。Both men are facing a maximum penalty of a year in jail.两名男子都面临最高监禁一年的判刑。They charge them with public nuisance, which carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.他们指控这些人妨害公众罪,依此最高可判处终身监禁。The maximum penalty is three years’ imprisonment.最高的处罚是三年监禁。 |