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词汇 pockets
例句 Military forces have encountered a few pockets of resistance.军队遭遇了小范围抵抗。He accused executives of trying to line their own pockets.他指控主管人员试图中饱私囊。This car is beyond the range of most people's pockets.这种车大多数人买不起。He kept his hands outside his pockets.他把手放在衣兜外面。He raked through his pockets, trying to find a pen.他仔细搜他的口袋,想找一支钢笔。He shot his hands into his pockets.他把双手猛地插进口袋。Anyone who tries to save that company will need deep pockets.想要拯救那家公司的人必须实力雄厚。They mopped up remaining pockets of resistance.他们把残余的零星抵抗势力彻底肃清了。In some parts, there are still pockets of violence and unrest.在某些地区,仍然存在零星的暴力和动乱。Take your hands out of your pockets nice and easy now.现在轻松自如地把手从口袋里伸出来。He makes a living by picking people's pockets.他靠扒窃度日。His pockets were empty.他的口袋里空空的。The policeman lined his pockets with bribes.这警察接受贿赂中饱私囊。The briefcase has separate pockets for your mobile phone and calculator.这个公文包内有分别放手机和计算器的小兜。He slid his hands into his pockets.他两手悄悄地插进口袋里。My cellphone rang and I patted my pockets looking for it.我的手机响了,我拍拍口袋寻找它。This coat has no pockets.这件衣服没有口袋。The security guard asked us to empty our pockets. 保安要求我们把口袋掏空。The contents of his pockets were itemized and confiscated.他口袋里的东西经一一登录后全部被没收了。Every scrap of personal property was removed from his pockets.他口袋里所有的私人物品都给一掏而空。His pockets contained a motley collection of coins, movie ticket stubs, and old candies.他的口袋里乱七八糟地放了很多东西,有硬币、电影票票根,还有很久以前的糖果。His hands were deep in his pockets.他的两手深深地插在口袋里。Ned stuck his hands in his pockets.内德把手插进衣兜里。There were only pockets of fighting after the cease-fire.停火之后只有一些零星的战斗。People are more inclined to put their hands in their pockets to help children.人们更倾向于捐款帮助儿童。He walked past with his collar turned up and his hands thrust into his pockets.他竖起领子,双手插在口袋里走了过去。The government controls most of the city apart from a few pockets of resistance.除了几小片区域还在抵抗之外,政府控制了该市的大部分地区。He stood there, hands in pockets.他站在那里,两手插在口袋里。He crammed the banknotes into his pockets and ran off.他把钞票塞进口袋里,然后跑掉了。He ordered her to empty her pockets.他命令她把口袋掏空。They take no fee. Indeed, they dip into their own pockets.他们不收费,甚而至于还自己掏腰包。She searched her pockets, but she couldn't find the tickets.她翻遍了所有的口袋,也没找到票。Pete jammed his hands into his pockets.皮特使劲把手插进口袋里。The jacket has side pockets.这件外套有侧兜。If the process does not put money in their pockets they're not interested.如果这一过程不能给他们带来收入,那他们是不会感兴趣的。The boy stuffed the candy into his pockets.男孩把糖果塞进了口袋。The boys filled their pockets with pebblestones and pelted fast at each other.孩子们往口袋里装满石子,相互扔来扔去。The jacket has two side pockets and two more pockets inside.这件夹克两边都有口袋,里面还有两个口袋。He shoved his hands into his pockets.他把双手插进口袋里。The army controls the city apart from a few pockets of resistance.除了一些零星的抵抗外,部队已控制了城市。




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