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词汇 maturity
例句 These latest paintings show how the artist has really grown in maturity.这些最新的画作表明这位画家如何已真正走向了成熟。Lacking self-confidence and maturity, many teenagers are left feeling very vulnerable.许多十几岁的孩子既缺乏自信又不够懂事,所以感情上十分脆弱。One day you'll have the maturity to understand.有一天等你长大后你就明白了。He appreciated her acknowledgement of his maturity.她承认他的成熟,他对此心怀感激。He lacks the emotional maturity to appreciate poetry.他情感上还不够成熟,欣赏不了诗歌。She has shown great maturity in her life choices.在生活的抉择上她表现得十分成熟。The animals are slaughtered before they grow to maturity.这些动物还未长大就被屠宰了。Wisdom and maturity don't necessarily go together.智慧不在年高,年成未必有智。I can see an increasing maturity in how she understands the world.我看得出她对这个世界的认识日渐成熟。Her speech showed great maturity and humanity.她的演讲很有思想高度,并且洋溢着博爱精神。Wisdom is the badge of maturity.智慧是成熟的象征。His behavior shows a lack of maturity.他的行为表明他还不够成熟。The plant reaches maturity after two years.这种植物两年后就到达成熟期。He showed poise and maturity beyond his years.他表现出了超过他年龄的稳重和成熟。He is in his full maturity as a Shakespearean actor.作为莎士比亚戏剧的演员,他已经完全成熟。Only half of the young birds reach maturity.只有一半的幼鸟发育成熟。How long does it take for the chicks to grow to maturity?小鸡多长时间才能长大?It can take years for these plants to reach full maturity.这些植物完全长成需要好几年的时间。His work hardly bore the stamp of maturity.他的作品很难称得上成熟。Ask yourself if you have the maturity and stability to raise a baby.自问一下,你心理是否成熟,生活是否稳定得可以养育孩子了。Whisky mellows with maturity.威士忌酒随着陈化味道变得香醇。Girls generally reach sexual maturity two years earlier than boys.通常女孩性发育成熟要比男孩早两年。Customers are told what their policies will be worth on maturity.客户被告知他们的保险单到期时将值多少钱。This job calls for a man with a great deal of maturity.这个工作需由老练持重的人去做。I have long felt that you lacked maturity.我一直觉得你不够成熟。His behaviour spoke of an early maturity.他的举止流露出早熟的痕迹。Their children are advancing toward maturity.他们的孩子正在走向成熟。The insects lay eggs when they approach maturity.这些昆虫发育接近成熟时就会产卵。At the stated maturity date, the principal is repaid.在规定的到期日,初始债额还清了。These insects reach full maturity after a few weeks.这些昆虫经过几周就会完全成熟。He reached emotional maturity late in his life.他在晚年达到了情感成熟。She put up her hair and suddenly she was precipitated into maturity.她把头发束起,一下子就变得像大人了。We stop growing at maturity.我们成年之后不再长个儿。He hasn't got the maturity to be a father.他还不具备当父亲的成熟气质。




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