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词汇 masterpiece
例句 Many people regard this painting as Raphael's masterpiece.许多人认为这幅画是拉斐尔的代表作。This book is unquestionably a masterpiece.这本书无疑是一部杰作。The shark is a masterpiece of evolution.鲨鱼是进化的典型例子。His latest sculpture is an object of beauty, a masterpiece if you like.他最新的雕刻作品体现了美,可以说是个杰作。Her study of apes is a masterpiece.她关于猿的研究堪称典范。The film was hailed as a masterpiece in its day.那部电影当时被誉为经典之作。The painting was immediately recognized as a masterpiece.这幅油画很快就被确认为杰作。The Ninth Symphony was Beethoven's masterpiece.第九交响乐是贝多芬最杰出的作品。Herman Melville's masterpiece was Moby-Dick.赫尔曼·梅尔维尔的代表作是《白鲸》。His interrogator boasted to him about this masterpiece of detective work.他的审讯者向他夸耀这一侦查工作上的杰作。It's indisputable that the book is a masterpiece.毫无疑问这本书是一部杰作。Her film was hailed as a masterpiece of the genre.她的电影被誉为该体裁影片的杰作。This book counts as a masterpiece.这本书算得上是杰作。This movie is in every way a masterpiece of cinematography.无论从哪方面来看,这部片子都是一部电影杰作。His book, I must add, is a masterpiece.我必须补充一点:他的书是一部杰作。Robinson Crusoe is Defoe's masterpiece.《罗宾逊漂流记》是狄福的杰作。It would be a gross exaggeration to describe the film as a masterpiece, but it has some good moments.把那部电影说成是经典之作是太夸张了,但有些场面拍得不错。This is a masterpiece in fresco.这是一幅壁画法的杰作。Lang's first film was immediately hailed as a masterpiece.朗格的第一部电影立即就誉为一部杰作。Leonardo's "Last Supper" is widely regarded as a masterpiece.《最后的晚餐》被广泛认为是列奥纳多•达•芬奇的杰作。The sculpture of four presidents in South Dakota is a masterpiece of masonry.美国南达科达州的四位总统雕像可以说是石工技艺的杰作。The coach was a masterpiece of Teutonic engineering.这种长途大巴是体现德国工程设计水平的杰作。Within a week of publication, the novel was hailed as a masterpiece.出版仅一周,这部小说就被誉为杰作。His book is a masterpiece.他的书是一部杰作。The film was a masterpiece of suspense.这部电影堪称悬念影片中的杰作。I went to see the playwright's so-called masterpiece and was very disappointed by it.我去看了该剧作家那部所谓的代表作,感到非常失望。The whole thing was a masterpiece of crowd management.整件事情就是人群管理的典范。Some critics have called the movie a masterpiece, but not everyone agrees.有些评论家称这部电影为杰作,但并非所有人都赞同。The coach was a masterpiece of Teutonic engineering.这种长途汽车是体现德国工程设计水平的杰作。




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