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词汇 massive
例句 Company failures have led to massive job losses.公司倒闭已造成大量工作岗位流失。It was a massive, graceless house.这是一间非常难看的大房子。In May 1968 there was a massive wave of student riots.一九六八年五月曾发生过大规模的学生骚乱。I heard a massive explosion and the ground shuddered beneath me.我听到一声巨大的爆炸声,脚下的地面随之剧烈震动。They have a massive house.他们有一座很大的房子。Whatever spin the government tries to put on it, this can be seen as nothing less than a massive defeat.不管政府如何作倾向性报道,此事只能看成是一次不折不扣的严重挫败。Her house is massive.她的房子非常大。A massive public outcry followed the revelations of ballot-rigging.选举舞弊的事曝光之后发生了大规模的公众抗议。A massive police hunt was launched for the missing child.警方为了找到失踪的孩子开始了大规模搜索。Many workers were cast adrift by massive layoffs.因为大规模裁员,许多工人变得无所依靠。That election was marred by massive cheating.大范围的舞弊破坏了那次选举。Leeds United fans took part in a massive street party.利兹联队的球迷们参加了一场规模盛大的街头聚会。He vanished leaving massive arrears.他留下了巨额债务就消失了。The fortifications of the castle were massive and impenetrable.城堡的防御工事巨大厚实,坚不可摧。A hit in a vital organ causes either instant death or a massive exit wound.要害器官遭受枪击会导致立即死亡或严重的穿透伤。A massive display of fireworks will light up the sky.盛大的焰火将照亮整个天空。Their plans spark a massive bust-up between Zoe and her mum.他们的计划引发了佐耶和她母亲的激烈争执。She suffered a massive exposure to toxic chemicals.她大量接触到有毒化学物质。The Agency's budget simply did not allow for such a massive increase.该机构的预算根本没有将如此大额的超支计算在内。The main body of the church had been turned into a massive television studio.教堂中殿已经变成了一个巨大的电视演播室。The bustling downtown area of Chicago is dotted with massive new office developments.芝加哥的闹市区到处都是新建的办公大楼。A massive effort will be required to clean up the debris.要清理这些废墟需要大量的工夫。They died when a massive explosion destroyed their home.一场大爆炸毁了他们家,他们也因此遇难了。Rumours spread amongst the rebels that a massive punitive expedition against them was being prepared.叛乱者中传言针对他们的大规模征讨正在酝酿当中。We gazed in awe at the massive building.我们敬畏地注视着这幢宏伟的大楼。The town is dominated by the massive arches of a viaduct.高架桥巨大的拱洞在这座小镇中十分显眼。Yet this widespread poverty was suffused with a massive resilience of spirit.然而,在这遍布各处的贫穷之中却又充溢着一种巨大的精神活力。The company underwent a massive upheaval after the takeover.收购之后该公司变动巨大。She died following a massive stroke.她严重中风后去世了。If the drought continues, deaths will occur on a massive scale.如果旱情持续,将有大批人死亡。The city was protected by massive fortifications.这座城市由大规模的防御工事保护着。The authorities launched a massive security operation in the city.当局在城内展开大规模的安全行动。This is a massive blow to British fishermen.这对英国渔民来说是巨大的打击。He was stopped by a massive policeman.一名身材魁梧的警察拦住了他。The road is blocked with massive drifts of snow.大堆大堆的积雪把路堵死了。This victory was a massive uplift for us.这个胜利对我们来说是巨大的鼓舞。He died from a massive internal haemorrhage.他死于体内大出血。The soldiers trundled the massive gun carriage along the road.士兵们费劲地推着庞大的炮车,沿着公路前进。The peace movement held a massive rally in Hyde Park today.今天和平运动组织在海德公园举行了大规模集会。Universities were ill-equipped to meet the massive intake of students.各大学设备不足,难以满足招入的大量学生的要求。




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