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Don't worry: we've still got masses of time.别担心,我们还有许多时间。Gray masses of cloud were riven by the hurricane.大块乌云被飓风吹得四散开来。It has masses of flowers each year.它每年都开许多花。I've masses of work to do.我有许许多多的工作要做。The war has forced masses of people to flee their homes.这场战争迫使许多人逃离家园。You get to sample lots of baked things and take home masses of cookies besides.您不仅可以品尝各种烘烤糕点,还可以带很多饼干回家。There were masses of people at the concert.音乐会上人山人海。He never understood how to organize or compress large masses of material.他从来就不懂如何对大篇的材料进行整理或精简。We must rally the broad masses of the people round the Party.我们必须将广大人民群众团结在党的周围。There's masses of work for her to do.她有一大堆的工作要做。 |