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词汇 masculine
例句 The ceremony is exclusively masculine.典礼上清一色全是男人。That's a typically masculine attitude!这是一种典型的男人态度!She has a rather masculine voice/handshake.她的嗓音/握手相当像男人。The French word for "sun"' is masculine but the German word is feminine.法语中“太阳”一词是阳性的,但德语中的对应词却是阴性的。The words parent, child, and writer are of common gender, whereas father and son are masculine.父母、小孩、作家等词都属通性,而父亲、儿子则属阳性。Don't try to excel him in anything that requires masculine ability.不要试图在任何需要男子汉气概的事情上超越他。He has an aggressively masculine approach to these questions.他处理这些问题的方法很男人。Violence is an extreme form of traditionally masculine behaviour.暴力是传统上男性行为的极端形式。The Duke's study was very masculine, with deep red wall-covering and dark oak shelving.公爵的书房颇具阳刚气,深红色墙纸,深色的橡木搁板。Our new manager is a middle-aged masculine looking woman.我们的新经理是一位男子模样的中年女士。The living room is decorated in a more masculine style than the bedroom.客厅布置得比卧室更有男子气息。I'm not the world's most masculine man.我不是世界上最具男子汉气概的男人。His suit was the acme of masculine elegance.他这套西装尽显男性优雅风度。Hunting was a typically masculine occupation.打猎是典型的男人的消遣活动。We assume that stereotypically masculine traits are more suited to the military.我们以为人们常说的男性特质更加适合军队。She has a very masculine face.她有着一张颇具阳刚之气的脸庞。Mars, a hero figure, personifies the loftiest of masculine virtues.英雄人物战神玛尔斯是最崇高的男子汉气概的象征。The industry is wholly masculine.该行业全由男人担当。They're nice curtains, but I'd prefer something a little more masculine.这些窗帘很好,但我更喜欢男性化一点的。He spoke deeply in a masculine voice.他以男性的深沉声音说话。He wanted to say he was sorry but his masculine pride wouldn't let him.他想说抱歉,但是他的男性骄傲却不允许他说。It would appear that my sister is a poor judge of masculine charm.看来我妹妹全然不懂得欣赏男性的魅力。He likes to show off his masculine physique.他喜欢炫耀他的阳刚之气。Jung believed that every woman has an animus within her psyche, this being a set of unconscious masculine attributes and potentials.荣格认为,每一个女性的心灵里都有男性意向,亦即一套无意识的男性特质和潜能。She has a very masculine voice.她的嗓音非常男性化。Diplomacy is not necessarily a masculine prerogative.外交手腕未必是男子的特长。Andrew describes her as a large, bony and masculine woman.安德鲁说她是一个瘦骨嶙峋、男人模样的大块头女人。His masculine pride would not let him admit that a girl had defeated him.他的男性自尊使他不会承认输给了一个女孩子。In most languages adjectives have slightly different spellings for masculine and feminine.在多数语言中,形容词的阳性和阴性的拼法略为不同。I think it must have something to do with masculine pride.我想这一定与男性的尊严有关。This piece of furniture is masculine; it is large and strong.这件家具适合男人使用,它又大又结实。




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