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词汇 at least
例句 About two-thirds of adults consult their doctor at least once a year.约有三分之二的成年人至少每年就医一次。I know it's unfair that I am left holding the baby; but at least this way I know that she's being well looked after.我知道把我留下来看孩子很不公平,但这样至少我知道孩子受到了很好的看护。She's not too smart, but at least her heart is in the right place. 她不怎么聪明,但至少她心地善良。The law will pass only if it is approved by at least a two-thirds majority. 这项法律只有获得三分之二以上的多数票才能通过。Students must put in for grants at least six months before their course begins.学生必须在课程开始前至少六个月申请助学金。Poor communication is at least partly to blame. 至少部分原因应当归咎于沟通不善。For now, at least, she appears to concur with her predecessor on the big issues.至少目前看起来她与前任在重大问题上意见一致。You're late. Anyways, at least you showed up.你迟到了。不管怎么说,你至少还来了。I don't know if I can persuade her, but at least I can have a try.我不知道能否说服她,但至少我会试一试。He smoked at least half a packet of cigarettes a day.他每天至少抽半包烟。It will remain a question mark at least until tomorrow.这事至少在明天以前尚无法确定。In future, prisoners must serve at least half of their sentence before qualifying for any type of early release.自现在起,囚犯必须至少服满其刑期的一半才有资格获得任何形式的提前释放。He began to feel he could cope, on a purely superficial level, at least.他开始觉得自己能应付,至少单从表面上看可以。There's still a long way to go, but at least we're heading in the right direction.我们仍然有很长的路要走,但至少方向是正确的。She practices good oral hygiene by brushing her teeth at least twice a day.她一天至少刷牙两次,保持着良好的口腔卫生。We meet at least once a month. = We meet once a month at least.我们至少一个月见一次面。Leave the dough to rise for at least an hour.让生面团至少发酵一个小时。We make toys that are both fun and educational - at least that's the idea.我们制造娱乐、教育两相宜的玩具—至少,那是我们的本意。I can speak French, or at least a reasonable facsimile of French. 我会讲法语,或者说,至少法语还过得去。They lost, but at least they gave it their best shot. 他们失败了,但至少他们已经尽了最大的努力。With the caveat that almost every figure in this survey is suspect, it can at least be said that the world travel and tourism industry is huge.尽管事先声明此项调查报告中的每个数字都不可靠,但至少可以说,世界旅游观光业的市场庞大。Well, at least put your feet up for a few minutes. Would you like a drink?那么,起码也该歇一会吧。你想喝一杯吗?The movie was bad, but at least it was cool in the theater.电影很糟糕,但至少戏院里很凉快。He'll call me at least twice a week to touch base.他会至少每周给我打两次电话以保持联系。I hope at least my daughter was able to offer you some useful pointers.我希望至少我的女儿为你提供了一些有用的建议。He may not always achieve greatness but at least he's a trier.他也许并非总能成就大事,但至少他竭尽所能。If I can't make a living at painting, at least I can teach someone else to paint.如果我不能靠画画谋生,至少我可以教别人画画。The car repair will run you a couple of hundred at least.修理这辆汽车至少要花掉你两三百块钱。If you won't let me pay for a taxi, then at least allow me to lend you something.如果你不愿让我付出租车费,至少让我借点什么给你吧。She's not completely cured, but at least she's out of danger.她尚未完全康复,但至少已经脱离了危险。Price falls have at least decelerated as demand has heightened.由于需求增加,价格下跌至少会放慢速度。The report claimed that there were at least 20,000 inefficient teachers that needed to be weeded out.报告中称,至少有两万名不称职的教师需要淘汰。If you must go, at least wait till the rain stops.如果你坚持要走,至少也要等雨停了再走。Couldn't you at least pretend to enjoy it?你就不能至少假装喜欢它吗?We have reached an agreement that at least gives the company a chance to survive.我们达成了一项协议,这至少给了这家公司一个生存的机会。Well, we didn't win, but at least we gave the champions a good run for their money.好吧,我们没有赢,但我们的水平也比冠军差不了多少了。If you have to go, at least wait until the storm is over.如果你非走不可,最起码等暴风雨停了再走。She always managed to have at least two boyfriends and used to play them off against each other.她总是设法同时与至少两个男友交往,并挑拨他们相互争斗。The man was a fool, he thought, or at least incompetent.他想道,那人是个傻瓜,或者说,至少很无能。The boot can take at least three big suitcases.这个汽车后备箱至少装得下三个大手提箱。




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