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The patient is unable to adduct her right eye.患者右眼无法内收。Auntie Winnie wrote back saying Mam wasn't well enough to write.温妮姨妈回信说妈妈身体尚未康复,无法写信。The vase was damaged beyond repair.花瓶破损得无法修补了。The streams rose so rapidly that we could hardly ford them.溪水上涨很快以致我们无法涉水过去。The police can't deploy in large numbers there.警方无法在那里部署大批警力。We were stuck with him for the entire journey!整个旅程中我们一直都无法甩掉他!I can barely breathe here.这里我几乎无法呼吸。The game was hindered by a fierce wind that swept the ball every which way.狂风大作,球被吹得四下乱跑,比赛无法正常进行。I can give you no assurances.我无法对你作出保证。Churches are not normally noted for their ability to act in unison.各个教会通常无法统一行动,这一点是出了名的。There wasn't room to stand up and he had to bend double.空间太小无法站直,他不得不弓着身子。She can't walk or feed herself and she can barely speak - it's a living death.她自己无法走路,也无法吃东西,而且几乎无法说话——真是活受罪啊。Many local people felt excluded from decisions that affected their own community.许多当地人感到无法参与制定影响自己所在社区的决定。The new system isn't working yet, but a few more adjustments ought to do the job. 新系统还无法运作,不过再做几次调试应该就可以了。He decided there was insufficient evidence to justify criminal proceedings.他认定证据不充分无法提起刑事诉讼。The medics were unable to arrest the bleeding.这些医护人员无法把血止住。You can't stay in business without cash.没有现金,你无法运营。He was too weak to feed himself.他太虚弱,无法自己进食。These boats aren't strong enough to withstand rogue waves.这些小船不够坚固,无法抵挡滔天巨浪。You can't legislate efficiency.你无法用立法手段来提高效率。I haven't been able to shake this cold off for weeks.几周来我的感冒一直无法痊愈。She couldn't tell him about her mixed-up feelings about Tim.她无法告诉他自己对蒂姆的复杂感情。You can argue about the single currency but you can't opt out of the European Single Market.你可以对单一货币进行争辩,但你无法退出欧洲单一市场。Rural railway lines risk being axed because they are unprofitable.乡村铁路线有被取消的风险,因为无法盈利。Trees obscured his vision; he couldn't see much of the Square's southern half.树木遮挡了他的视线,南半广场的一大部分他都无法看清。I couldn't face seeing anyone.我无法见任何人。Machines can't replace people in this work.机器无法代替人做这项工作。It's next to impossible to drive in this snow.这样的雪天几乎无法开车了。He was too wasted to drive.他喝得酩酊大醉,无法开车。The other two opposition parties cannot agree on an electoral pact between themselves.另外两个反对党之间无法就选举达成协议。There was no going back to the life she had.她无法再回到从前的生活。The child was unable to offer an articulate description of what she had witnessed.孩子无法对她所目睹的事情作出清楚的描述。In some places, the dense underbrush becomes so thick that it's nearly impassable.有些地方灌木丛长得很密实,几乎无法穿行。The enclosed photograph is unfortunately not good enough to reproduce.遗憾的是,附寄的照片不够清晰,无法复制。The Red Cross was unable to reach them.红十字会无法与他们取得联系。We can't continue our research unless we get more finance.除非得到更多资金,否则我们就无法继续研究工作。It is impossible to predict the outcome of the negotiations with any degree of certitude.谈判结果完全无法预测。You helped me to hold on at times when I didn't think I could even go on trying.在我认为自己甚至无法继续尝试的时候,你帮我坚持了下来。Even well-meaning parents cannot protect their children from everything.即使是用心良苦的家长也无法样样事情都把孩子保护起来。The hen may not be able to feed its young.雌鸟可能无法给雏鸟喂食。 |