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词汇 at last
例句 He redeemed his promise at last.他终于履行了自己的诺言。Jan's depression seemed to be lifting at last.简的沮丧情绪看来终于要烟消云散了。Tom captured John's queen at last.汤姆最后吃掉了约翰的后。After their long argument the two brothers have at last buried the tomahawk.兄弟俩经长期争论之后终于言归于好了。The Government would at last give a leg up to the bill.政府最终会支持这个议案。She was at last reunited with her sister.她最终和姐姐团聚了。They are at last happily wedded.他们终于喜结良缘。Zeneca was at last demerged from its parent firm, ICI.捷利康公司终于从其母公司帝国化工集团中分离了出来。We have settled that at last. Now, what was the other thing we wanted to discuss?那个问题终于解决了。好,我们刚才说要讨论的另一件事是什么? It was lovely to have finished at last.很高兴终于完成了。He was at last talked down.他最终被驳倒了。After years of neglect the house is at last being restored.这所房子多年来一直缺乏维护,现在终于得以修葺一新。Polly found her tongue at last and told them about the attack.波莉终于开口说话,告诉了他们袭击的经过。The enemy was vanquished at last.敌人终于被击败。She found the answer at last.她终于找到了答案。They were quarreling for a long while and quietened down at last.他们吵了半天,最后才安静下来。We're finished at last.我们终于做完了。It's been hard settling in, but I feel like I'm getting somewhere at last.适应的过程非常艰难,但我觉得最终还是有所进步。We reached the summit at last.我们终于到达了山顶。We're hoping the government will at last say no to low wages and poverty.我们期望政府最终会解决低薪和贫穷问题。Hello. It's nice to meet you at last.你好。 终于见到你,我真高兴。The escaped prisoner was cornered at last.那逃犯终于陷入走投无路的绝境。We've squared up with tradesmen at last.我们跟商贩们的账总算都结清了。The number of the competitors at last narrowed down to only less than 100.参赛者的数量竟然缩减到不足100人。We visited the identical place we stopped at last year.我们参观了去年停留过的那个地方。The tired swimmer gained the shore at last.筋疲力尽的游泳者最后终于游到了岸边。Her tears were undammed at last.她的泪水终于抑制不住地涌了出来。Difficult that the problem was, he solved it at last.尽管这是个难题,他最终将它解决了。Faced with the risk of financial meltdown, the government has at last tightened banking regulations.面对金融危机的风险,政府最终加紧了银行业监管。His anger at last found expression in loud cursing.他的怒气最终以大声咒骂发泄了出来。Winter is past and spring has come at last.冬天过去,春天终于来临。Aha! Here at last, the answer to my question.啊哈,我的问题到这儿终于有了答案。The plan came to naught at last.计划最终成为泡影。Oh, I get it, I've twigged at last. How much do you want?噢,我知道了。我终于明白了。你要多少钱?The king was unthroned at last.这位国王终于被迫退位。Slowly the news percolated through, and at last they understood.消息慢慢地透露出来了,他们终于也明白了。The terrorists have at last agreed to free the hostages.恐怖分子终于同意释放人质。In spite of setbacks and reversals, his business was at last making money.尽管有挫折和失败,他的生意最后还是赚钱了。Having been explained, they hooked onto my plan at last.通过解释我的计划,他们终于理解并喜欢上了我的方案。Once I knew I was forgiven I could be at peace with myself at last.一旦我知道自己得到了宽恕,便可以心平气和了。




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