例句 |
Now that English has taken over as the main language, the country's native language has been marginalized.由于英语已成为主要语言,这个国家的本国语言倒被边缘化了。Female employees complained of being marginalized by management.女性雇员抱怨被管理层边缘化了。We've always been marginalized, exploited, and constantly threatened.我们总是遭到排挤、剥削和不断的恐吓。We've always been marginalized, exploited, and threatened.我们一直都处于社会的边缘,受剥削和威胁。The program helps people from marginalized groups/populations.这项计划帮助那些被边缘化的群体/人口。Taiwan is facing the crisis of being marginalized in the international arena.台湾目前正面临在国际场合被边缘化的危机。 |