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词汇 margin
例句 Winning by a narrow margin, the Lakers now go on to play in the championships.湖人队险胜之后,继而在总决赛中打下去。When archaeologists date objects that are thousands of years old, they allow a margin of error of several hundred years.考古学家在测定有数千年历史的物体的年代时,会允许有几百年的误差。They voted him out by an overwhelming margin.他们以压倒性的票数使他落选下了台。They get a tick in the margin to show that it's right.他们在空白处画了一个对钩表示它是正确的。Write notes in the margin.把笔记写在页边的空白处。In the end they won by a comfortable margin.最终,他们以较大优势获胜。The money is collected in a straightforward way with little margin for error.钱是直接募集上来的,基本上没有误差。She added her comments in the margin.她在页边的空白处写下了评语。Leave a generous margin on the left.在左边留出充裕的空白。When a trader holds a large position in a falling currency, he is obliged to make margin payments every month.当交易者在币值下跌中持有较大的仓位量时,就不得不每月缴纳保证金。Draw a margin down the left-hand side.在左边画一条边界线。They had lost by a wide margin, but their supporters gave them a defiant loyal ovation.他们输得很惨,但是忠实的支持者们还是无视对手向他们报以热烈的掌声。Polls show that the candidates are separated by only a narrow margin as the election approaches.民意调查显示,临近选举,候选人之间的差距很微弱。They're a world-class team and it was no surprise that they won by such a wide margin.他们是世界一流水平的队伍,以如此大的分差赢得比赛不足为奇。He passed the exam by a narrow margin.他勉强通过考试。Put a tick in the margin.在空白处画勾。The mayor got in by a very slim margin.市长以微弱优势当选。The margin of error for a racing driver is tiny.对赛车手而言,稍有不慎就会出错。We allowed a margin of twenty minutes in case the bus was late.我们预留二十分钟宽裕时间,以防汽车晚点。Start writing at the left-hand margin.从左页边空白处开始写。We have substantial reserves, which provide a good margin for uncertainties.我们有充足的储备,足以应付不确定的因素。We'll meet at the margin of the forest.我们将在森林边上见面。They voted him in by an overwhelming margin.他们以压倒性多数票使他当选。The state legislature passed the statute by an overwhelming margin.州立法机构以压倒性的优势通过了那项法令。They were an old couple living on the margin of respectability.他们是一对老夫妻,过著几乎是不太体面的日子。We lost the election by a one-vote margin. 我们仅以一票之差落选。She was leading/trailing the field by a wide margin.她在比赛中遥遥领先。They had lost by a wide margin, but their supporters gave them a defiant, loyal ovation.他们以较大的差距败北,但支持者们还是给予了热烈的掌声,以示对对手的不服和对他们的忠诚。The schedule allows us very little margin for error.这个安排几乎不允许我们出现什么差错。Failing to achieve your goals, even only by a small margin, is not good for self-esteem.没有实现自己的目标,哪怕是只差一步,也会伤害自尊心。He made a notation on the margin of the paper.他在纸的页边作了批注。Someone had written a note in the left-hand margin.有人在左边的空白处写了一个批注。The schedule left no margin for error.这份日程表不容出错。The Andes run along the western margin of South America.安第斯山脉横贯南美洲的西部边缘。He won by a razor-thin margin.他以微弱优势取胜。She scribbled notes in the margin.她在页边空白处潦草地记笔记。He made some notes in the margin.他在页边空白处做笔记。Please write your name in the left/left-hand margin of the page.请把你的名字写在本页左边/左手边的空白处。Uruguayans voted by a narrow margin in a national plebiscite to uphold an amnesty.乌拉圭人在公民投票中以微弱的优势通过了特赦决议。She won the election by a good margin.她以绝对优势赢得了选举。




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