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词汇 march
例句 This march could embarrass the government.这次抗议游行可能会让政府陷入困境。The troops would rise up in open rebellion if we tried to make them march any further.如果我们要求这些部队再往前行进的话,他们就可能公开反抗起来了。His book describes the march of the civilization of a primitive society.他的著作描述了一个原始社会的开化过程。The police decided not to ban the march.警方决定不禁止这次示威游行。Yet officials are having to march up hill and down dale re-measuring thousands of fields in Britain.然而公职人员不得不翻山越岭来重新丈量英国的成千上万块田地。If they are too hesitant about starting new projects, others will steal a march on them.如果他们对于开展新项目犹豫不决,其他人便会抢占先机。Not a single man fell out in the long march.在长途行军中没有一个人掉队。Local trade union leaders joined in the protest march against cuts in government spending.当地工会领导人加入抗议游行,反对削减政府开支。The police capitulated and allowed the march to go ahead.警察只好让步,允许游行继续下去。The march will be heavily policed by an anti-riot unit.防暴警察将对示威游行进行严密警戒。We need people now for the anti-government march. Are you with us or against us?我们现在需要有人来参加反政府示威游行,你是支持还是反对我们?As we grow older there is often a lot we can do to hold back the march of time.当我们变老的时候,我们往往可以做很多事情来阻止时间的脚步。The march ended in a violent encounter with the police.游行最终以和警方发生激烈冲突而结束。There are fears that the march will heighten racial tension.有人担心这次游行会加深种族间的紧张局势。The protest march went off peacefully.抗议示威游行是和平进行的。The enemies of women are on the march, trying to take away from women the right to control their own bodies.女性的敌人在不断发展,试图剥夺她们控制自己身体的权利。I would be exceeding my powers if I ordered the march to be halted.如果我命令停止游行,我就越权了。I always march out of step with the music.我走步时老是与音乐不合拍。The march was by the silent majority who oppose terrorism.参加游行的是那些反对恐怖主义的沉默的大多数。The steward at the march stood his ground while the rest of the marchers decided to run.当其他的游行者决定逃跑时,游行活动的负责人坚守着阵地。Society's march toward ever-increasing materialism was continuing.社会继续朝着物质享乐主义蔓延的方向发展。The protest march began peacefully, but soon descended into violence.抗议游行开始的时候是以和平方式进行的,但很快就演变成了暴力事件。The glacier had continued its inexorable march down the valley.冰河沿山谷继续前进,势不可挡。He was afraid another scholar was going to steal a march on him and publish first.他担心另一位学者会抢在他前面发表。They made a triumphal march into their liberated city.他们以胜利者的姿态挺进亲手解放的城市。There will be a special march past of competitors.参赛者将列队走过主席台。The town council had refused permission for the march.市政委员会未批准这一游行示威。There was a march with flags flying and drums beating.行军队伍飘着旗帜,擂着战鼓。The camp was half a day's march away.到达营地需要走半天的时间。The municipal authorities gave the go-ahead for the march.市政当局批准了这次游行。The horses were much distressed during the last few hours of the march.在行军的最后几小时,那些马累得筋疲力尽。After a short march, the column entered the village.短途行军之后,队伍进了村。Thousands of students took part in the march.数千名学生参加了示威游行。The boy stamped his feet in a march step.那男孩踏着齐步行进的步伐。The orchestra struck up a lively march.管弦乐队开始演奏一首轻快的进行曲。As a mark of respect the emperor met him at a point several weeks' march from the capital.出于尊重,皇帝在离首都还有几个星期路程的地方迎接了他。The march was broken up by police in riot gear.游行队伍被身穿防暴服的警察强行驱散。The army has been on the march for two weeks.部队已连续行军两周了。If its strategy succeeds, Mexico could even steal a march on its northern neighbour.如果策略得当,墨西哥甚至可以赶在其北部邻国之前抢得先机。The nearest town was a day's march away.最近的镇也有一天的行程。




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