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词汇 marble
例句 The corpse had been laid out on a marble slab.尸体被放在一张大理石板上作了殡葬准备。The park's ornamental fountain is carved from marble.公园里的装饰性喷泉是用大理石雕成的。The sculptor chipped away at the stone/marble.雕刻家一点点地敲凿石头/大理石。The marble floor was beginning to chill me.大理石地板开始让我觉得寒意刺骨。There was a portrait of his wife over the marble fireplace.大理石壁炉的上面有一幅他妻子的画像。The marble felt cold and smooth against her cheek.这块大理石接触到脸颊给她的感觉是又凉又滑。The marble floor was beginning to chill me.大理石地面开始让我觉得发冷。I saw my reflection in the polished marble.在光亮的大理石上,我看到了自己的倒影。The walls of the palace are marble with silver inlay.宫殿的墙壁是镶银大理石的。The marble has a smooth, shiny surface.大理石表面光滑亮泽。She chiseled the stone/wood/marble.她在石头/木头/大理石上雕刻。The chapel has some interesting works in wood and marble.教堂里有一些引人注目的木质和大理石结构。The tabletop is overlaid with marble.桌面上铺着大理石。The floor is decorated with an inset of marble tiles.地板镶嵌了大理石砖装饰。The marble table felt smooth and cold against her arm.大理石桌子碰在她手臂上的感觉又滑又凉。Several marble statues grace the courtyard.几尊大理石雕像让庭院增色不少。The ceiling is supported by imitation marble columns.天花板是用人造大理石柱支撑的。Bianca walked regally across the hall and ascended the marble staircase.比安卡神态雍容地穿过大厅,登上大理石楼梯。The workmen quarried out a huge block of marble.工人们从采石场采得一块很大的大理石。He is a master craftsman who works with marble.他是大理石工艺大师。The entrance-hall was paved with black and white marble tiles.入口大厅铺着黑白相间的大理石地砖。Michelangelo carved this figure from a single block of marble.米开朗基罗用整块的大理石雕刻这个人物。They faced the building with marble.他们用大理石给这幢建筑做外墙。The marble is smooth and polished, making a strong contrast with the worn stonework around it.大理石平滑光洁,和周围破旧的石造部分形成了强烈的对比。The marble was streaked with green and grey.大理石上夹杂着绿色和灰色条纹。Even the lavatory was luxurious, with a marble interior and soft, white hand towels.甚至连洗手间都是豪华型的,有大理石的内部装饰和柔软雪白的手巾。The space between the old building and the Morgan mansion has been converted into a marble-paved court, with plantings and a fountain.旧楼和摩根大厦之间的那块地方已经被改建成了一个庭院,地面上铺着大理石,有花草树木,有喷泉。The columns were of white marble.柱子是白色的大理石制成的。The kitchen had black marble counter tops.厨房是黑色的花岗岩台面。Her heels clicked on the marble floor.她的鞋跟踩在大理石地板上发出咔嗒咔嗒的声音。The hotel is traditionally furnished, with cool marble floors.这家旅馆陈设风格传统,地面铺着清爽的大理石。Behind the microphone he stood immovable in a marble calm.他站在话筒后面一动也不动,显得极为镇定。Eve had placed marble benches at strategic points throughout the garden.伊芙已经在花园里各重要的地方放置了大理石长椅。She heard the click of shoes on the marble floor.她听见鞋碰到大理石地板发出的嗒嗒声。In the bathroom there are marble tiles, the usual offices and a storage cupboard.浴室铺着大理石地砖,装有抽水马桶和一个储藏柜。The altars were carved in smooth marble.这些圣坛是用光滑大理石雕刻成的。At the center of the square stands a monument in black marble.在广场的中央耸立著一座黑色大理石的纪念碑。The statue was carved out of marble.那雕像是用大理石雕刻的。The statue was made from a select piece of marble.这座雕像是用上等大理石雕刻的。The floor was paved with marble flagstones.地面用大理石板铺设。




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