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词汇 athletic
例句 His body is wiry and athletic.他长得清瘦结实,体格健美。He had square shoulders and an athletic frame.他宽肩膀,体型健美。The youth zoomed to college on an athletic scholarship.那青年获得了运动员奖学金,一下子进了大学。He's very athletic.他非常爱运动。Wade was a hearty, bluff, athletic sort of guy.韦德是个精力充沛、率直、运动型的人。He wanted his sons to become strong, virile, and athletic like himself.他希望他的儿子们能长得像他一样强壮、阳刚而又健美。The athletic meet is on Saturday, so we're praying for a fine day.学校的运动会是星期六,所以我们虔心祈求好天气。Joe had no athletic ability, and was developing into an overweight child.乔缺乏运动能力,逐渐成为一个超重儿童。The reputation of the university has been tainted by athletic scandals.运动员的丑闻玷污了这所大学的声誉。He proved his athletic prowess with two convincing wins.他用两次令人信服的胜利证明了自己的竞技实力。Wearing athletic shoes with a suit is not quite the thing.西装配运动鞋不太协调。She's tall and has an athletic build.她个子高大,体格健壮。This college has a long tradition of athletic excellence.这所大学在田径运动方面历来成绩骄人。The ancient Romans awarded laurel wreaths to winners of athletic contests.古罗马人为竞技比赛的获胜者加冕桂冠。John is an athletic boy. He is good at running.约翰体魄健壮。他擅长跑步。With her high grades and athletic skill, Celeste had her choice of colleges.西莉斯特成绩优秀又有运动技能,可以随意挑选大学。He is strong, athletic and he has improved his heading.他结实、健壮,并且在头球方面有所进步。His athletic career was foreshortened by a knee injury.他的运动员生涯因为膝盖受伤而缩短了。He can play any sport, he's naturally athletic.他什么体育运动都会,他天生就擅长运动。If you want me to play, I will, but I'm not very athletic.如果你要我玩,那我就玩,可我不是很善于运动。His natural athletic talent gave him a head start on/over his peers.他的运动天赋使他比同龄人占有优势。Keane's amazing athletic skill will be a huge plus factor for the team in tomorrow's game.基恩令人叹为观止的运动技能将是该队在明天的比赛中获胜的重要保证。Her athletic career was detoured by a series of injuries.她的运动员生涯因一系列伤病而改变。His academic performance does not match his athletic prowess.他的学习成绩和他的体育素质不相配。She suffered an injury that precluded the possibility of an athletic career.她受了伤,不可能继续运动生涯了。The school athletic meet is to be held next Tuesday.校运动会定于下星期二举行。She has a lean, athletic body.她有一副又瘦又健壮的身材。She has great athletic ability.她有很强的运动能力。Cycling is principally about athletic achievement.自行车运动主要还是看运动成绩。He was bronzed and athletic, with manly features and a steady gaze.他皮肤古铜色,体格健壮,长相英挺,目光坚毅。Todd always downplayed his athletic achievements.托德对自己在田径运动上取得的成就总是保持低调。In his athletic career he won three cups and many other trophies.在他的运动生涯中,他获得三个奖杯和许多其他奖品。All athletic apparel is now on sale.所有运动服现在都在降价销售。He now has only a few trophies to remind him of the glory of his athletic career.他如今只有几个奖杯可以让他回想起自己辉煌的体育生涯。Most athletic activities are about individual effort.大多数体育项目是靠个人的拼搏。They each received an athletic scholarship to the school.他们每人都得到了一份这所学校的运动员奖学金。His athletic career spanned three decades.他的运动生涯长达三十年。Students can get discount tickets for all athletic events.学生可以购买所有体育赛事的折扣票。The athletic footwear market has not yet plateaued.运动鞋市场还未达到饱和。He looked physically very powerful, athletic in a compact way.他看上去体格健壮,拥有运动员般结实的身材。




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