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词汇 mannered
例句 They are always perfectly polite and beautifully mannered.他们总是很懂礼貌,彬彬有礼。The British are considered ill-mannered, badly dressed and unsophisticated.英国人被认为缺乏教养、衣着邋遢、头脑简单。They reared their children to be polite and well-mannered.他们把孩子培养成懂礼貌、彬彬有礼的人。He was a meek, mild-mannered fellow.他是一个温顺随和的人。As soon as some English people go abroad, they seem to change into bad-mannered, insensitive oafs.有些英国人一出国似乎就变成了举止粗鲁、麻木不仁的蠢人。Her sons are just ill-mannered louts.她的几个儿子都很粗鲁无礼。Mild-mannered Stanley morphs into a confident, grinning hero.性情温和的斯坦利变了,变成了一个充满信心、笑口常开的英雄。His performance as Hamlet was criticized for being very mannered.他扮演的哈姆雷特被批表演过于做作。The other visitors were too well mannered to complain.其他的参观者出于礼貌没有抱怨。Chantal would have considered it ill-mannered to show surprise.钱特尔会认为表现出吃惊是失态的。Forrest was normally mild-mannered, affable, and untalkative.福里斯特通常态度温和、待人亲切、少言寡语。Lucia is exaggeratedly good-mannered.露西娅太有礼貌了,都有点儿不自然了。The tone sounds to me gratuitously ill-mannered.那口气在我听来似乎粗鲁得毫无道理。He was well-mannered, old for his age.他很有礼貌,举止老成。He is the most well-mannered, well-behaved boy I know.他是我所知道的最有礼貌、最乖的男孩。He's a modest, mild-mannered man, without a trace of self-importance.他是个谦虚而温和的人,没有丝毫的自大。Hickstone gave a very mannered performance in the lead role.希克斯通扮演主角的表演非常做作。The children were good little things, well-mannered, and beautifully dressed.这些孩子都是些可爱的小东西,态度礼貌,穿戴漂亮。He was the old-fashioned type, well-mannered and always in a suit and tie.他是个老派的人,待人彬彬有礼,总是穿着西装并打着领带。If you arrange your picture too systematically the results can look very mannered and artificial.如果你把图画安排得太有条理,就会看上去非常假,不够自然。They have raised their children to be well-mannered.他们把孩子教育得很有礼貌。Her behaviour was ill-mannered and unacceptable.她举止粗鲁,令人无法接受。The priest was a mild-mannered inoffensive fellow.这位牧师是个温文尔雅、不讨人嫌的人。Its intention is to restore pride in the past and create a more mannered society.其目的是要重拾过去的自豪感,建立一个更有礼数教养的社会。Tony was scolded for pulling ill-mannered mugs.汤尼因扮不礼貌的鬼脸挨了骂。Ill-mannered movie-goers talked and took cell phone calls during the picture.没有礼貌的人在看电影时又是说话又是接听手机。It is ill-mannered to ask personal questions.探问别人隐私是不礼貌的。He had a very mannered way of speaking.他说起话来拿腔拿调的。




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