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词汇 Man
例句 Man's highest capacity is self-transcendence or unselfishness.做人的最高境界是自我超越,即无私。Man needed to understand his place in the scheme of things.人类需要理解自身在事物发展过程中的地位。Man and beast wilted under the merciless sun.在无情的烈日下,人和兽都变得没精打采。He got in trouble with the Man and ended up in jail.他跟警察起了冲突,最后被关进了监狱。Man management is an important skill.人员管理是项很重要的技能。They pushed forward saps into No Man's Land.他们把坑道向无人地带推进。Man is still far more intelligent than the smartest robot.人类仍远比最智能的机器人聪明。Man can be equal whatever his social rank, whatever his intellectual endowments.不管社会地位如何,不管智力水平如何,人都应是平等的。Man, that guy's a real piece of work.伙计,那家伙真让人琢磨不透。Castle-hunters won't be disappointed with the Isle of Man.马恩岛不会让城堡探寻者失望的。Man's ability to reason sets him apart from other animals.人的推理能力使他有别于其他动物。Man often accuses nature for his own misfortunes.人类常把自己的不幸归咎于天。Man may destroy the balance of nature, but, from time to time, nature takes a terrible revenge.人类可以破坏自然的平衡,但自然会不时痛加报复。Man is physically infinitesimal compared to the billions of stars and galaxies.人类就有形肉体与亿兆星球和星系相比,实在是渺小之极的。Man! That was pretty scary!啊!那太可怕了!Man and horse went on to gallop almost ventre à terre in the direction of the hedge.人骑着马几乎全速地朝那围栏飞驰而去。Man proposes, God disposes.谋事在人,成事在天。Man's own greed will be the destruction of the planet.人类自身的贪婪将摧毁这个星球。The poem depicts the Fall of Man.该诗描述的是人类的堕落。Man can have no greater love than to lay down his life for his friends.人间没有比为朋友肝脑涂地更伟大的爱了。Man was drawing closer to the stars, opening new worlds.人类在接近各个星球,探索新的天体。Man has lived socially from the moment at which he became man.人类自从成为人类之时起便过群居生活。Your President is talking all this more seriously than his Man in Rome.你们的总统谈论这一切要比他在罗马的使节更为认真严肃。Man is the creature of the age.人是时代的产物。Man Ray explored the capabilities of the camera to their fullest extent.曼·雷对照相机的性能作了极其深入的研究。Enemy ship approaching! Man the guns!敌舰开过来了!枪炮手就位!Man's first moon landing was a conspicuous achievement.人类的首次月球登陆是一个卓越的成就。He received praise for the atmospheric monochrome shots in David Lynch's The Elephant Man.他在大卫·林奇的电影《象人》中所拍摄的那些渲染气氛的黑白镜头受到了好评。Man early discovered the use of fire.古时候人们就发现了火的用途。Man is controlled by his instincts as well as by reason.人不仅受理智的支配,而且也受种种本能的支配。Man has no power within himself to attain to Buddhahood.人自身没有能力达到佛的境界。Man-made fabrics such as polyester are easy to wash and iron.人造织物如聚酯纤维等很容易洗熨。Man's inhumanity to man never fails to shock me.人与人之间的残酷无情每每使我不寒而栗。Man is the only animal that uses language.人类是唯一使用语言的动物。Man is said to be a sociable animal.人被说成是一种社会性的动物。Man has tamed the jungle but, as a result, many kinds of birds and animals have disappeared.人类征服了丛林,可是其结果是许多种鸟类和野兽都绝迹了。Man must not become the servant of the machine.人决不可成为机器的奴隶。To rescue the Coloured Man, all forces will have to be inspanned to raise him economically.为了救援黑人,将有必要利用各种力量来提高他的经济地位。Man's work is to artify the world.人类的工作是使世界艺术化。Man cannot exist without oxygen.人类没有氧就不能生存。




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