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词汇 British
例句 The British beef crisis was damaging to the livelihoods of thousands of people in the industry.英国的牛肉危机危害了该行业中成千上万人的生计。The British Establishment is very slow to accept change.英国当权派不轻易接受变革。He was the first ever non-British photographer to be invited to snap a royal.他是有史以来第一个应邀为王室成员拍照的非英籍摄影师。There are many differences between British English and American English.英国英语和美国英语有很多不同。British and American spellings differ in many ways.英国英语和美国英语的拼写有很多不同。He is now chairman of the British Olympic Federation.他现在是英国奥运会联盟的主席。She flew at him for making a very anti-British remark.她攻击他激烈的反英言论。Millicom Holdings is the British arm of an American company.米雷康姆控股有限公司是一家美国公司在英国的分支机构。He campaigned for the integration of immigrants into British society.他为使移民融入英国社会而积极奔走。That's a general British failing. In the USA it's quite different.那是英国人的普遍缺点。在美国,情况就大不一样了。The men were acting on orders from British embassy officials.那些人是在奉英国大使馆官员的命令行事。John Bull is traditionally depicted as a fat man wearing a waistcoat with the British flag on it.约翰牛传统上被描绘成一个身材肥胖的男子,身上穿着件印有英国国旗的马甲。There are some major differences between British and American usage.英国英语和美国英语在惯用法上有着一些重要差别。The British will be out to see how they stack up to the competition.英国人将全力以赴,一较高低。There is a story, probably apocryphal, about a British motorcyclist on holiday in America.故事讲述一位英国摩托车手在美国度假,但未必真实。The lack of a written constitution is a peculiarity of the British political system.没有一部成文宪法是英国政治制度的一大特点。She is British by right of marriage.她因结婚而成为英国人。British sources last night signalled their readiness to talk.英国方面昨晚表示愿意对话。He lives in Paraguay, well beyond the reach of the British authorities.他住在巴拉圭,英国当局鞭长莫及。People have lost faith in the British Parliament.人们已经对英国议会失去了信任。British police are supposed to use guns only as a last resort.英国警方只有在万不得已的时候才能开枪。All visitors should register with the British Embassy.所有游客均应在英国大使馆登记。Today the British press is full of articles on India's new prime minister.今天英国的报纸上登满了关于印度新任总理的文章。He's a comedian who claims to be the voice of British yute.他是一名喜剧演员,自称为英国年轻一辈的代言人。They attempted to murder British soldiers.他们试图杀害英国士兵。British experts delivered a strong counterblast to the Professor's claims.英国专家对这位教授的论断进行了猛烈反驳。The collection includes all the band's British and American hit singles.专辑中收录了该乐队在英国和美国的所有热门单曲。It is particularly concerning that he is working for non-British companies while advising on foreign policy.让人尤为不安的是,他在提供外交政策咨询的同时却又供职于一些外国公司。Once the giants of British retailing, they are now seen as being behind the times.这些曾经是英国零售业巨头的商家,现在被视为落后于时代了。As with all the best American comedies, the sharpness of the script made the average British sitcom seem embarrassingly flat-footed.与所有最好的美国喜剧一样,剧本的细腻使一般的英国情景剧相形见绌,显得乏味无趣。The European Commission has urged France to lift its ban on imports of British beef.欧盟委员会敦促法国解除进口英国牛肉的禁令。He captured the British Open title by beating Hashim.他击败哈希姆赢得了英国公开赛的冠军。Let us not forget that the much-maligned British Rail has a major expertise in electronic communications.我们不要忘了备受非议的英国铁路在电子通讯领域有一项重要的技术专利。The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament.美国国会相当于英国议会。He is a British passport holder.他持有英国护照。The British driver was unable to hang on to his lead.英国车手没能保住自己的领先地位。This case is the latest in a series of British spy scandals.这是英国一连串间谍丑闻中最新的案子。The rigid class distinctions which characterised British society are beginning to break down.作为英国社会一大特征的严格阶级差别正开始弱化。It was really the British who, by digging their heels in, prevented any last-minute deal.实际上是因为英国人拒不让步,才使得最后一刻达成协议的希望落空了。He became known as the enfant terrible of British theater.他成为英国戏剧界让人头痛的天才。




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