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词汇 male
例句 Two male juveniles were arrested and charged with indecent exposure after they mooned a police officer.两个青少年男子因在公共场合向一名警察亮出光屁股而被捕,并被控不雅暴露。After mating, male and female sheep are usually kept apart.公羊和母羊交配以后一般都被分开。During the rut, the male deer can be very irritable.在发情期间,公鹿可能很易怒。Low-ranking male chimpanzees eat with the dominant females, who show no aggresssion towards them.地位低的雄性黑猩猩与地位占优势的雌性黑猩猩一起进食,后者没有表现出攻击性。She called him a male chauvinist pig.她叫他大男子主义的蠢猪。Anna Ford recently hit out at the male clique which she believes holds back women in television.安娜·福特最近对她认为阻碍女性在电视业发展的男性小集团进行了严厉抨击。The kitten was actually a female, not a male.这只小猫其实是母的,不是公的。After rejecting several marriage proposals, he has been stigmatized as a male chauvinist pig.在拒绝了几次婚姻的提议之后,他被污名化为沙文主义的猪。It would be simplistic to suggest that the Bible promotes male domination.说《圣经》提倡男权统治未免太过简单。Women often have to work twice as hard to overcome the chauvinist attitudes of their male colleagues.女性工作时常不得不加倍努力,以克服其男性同事的大男子主义态度。While the modelling business is by no means easy to get into, the good model, male or female, will always be in demand.尽管模特行业绝不是那么容易进入的,但是好的模特,不论男女,总是需要的。Her complaint that a male officer mauled her at a conference was never investigated properly.她曾投诉说一名男性官员在会议上对她动粗但从未有人妥善调查。In him the polarities of life are resolved and balanced: male and female, strength and compassion, severity and mercy.在他身上,生命的两面性达到了调和与平衡:阳刚和阴柔、强悍和怜悯,还有严厉和仁慈。The candidates that the party selected tended, on the whole, to be middle-aged, male, and white.该党挑选的候选人总体说来都是中年白人男子。The male mated with the female. = The male and the female mated.雄雌动物交配。The male of the species often displays aggression during courtship.这类动物的雄性在求偶期经常表现出攻击行为。Figs have male and female flowers.无花果有雄花和雌花。Most of the science teachers are male.大部分自然科学教师都是男性。The male keeps a careful watch on their every move.那个男子密切留意着他们的一举一动。Most football players are male.大部分足球运动员是男的。What had happened was just a stupid male reflex to an attractive woman.过去发生的种种只不过是一个鲁男子对一个俏女人的本能反应。Russ had the chiselled features of a male model.拉斯长得如男模特般眉清目秀。The male caller asked for various of her male colleagues.那位男性来电者要求和她的各位男同事通话。Women soldiers will join their male counterparts at the army base.女兵将加入到这个陆军基地的男兵之中。Rap is the music of choice for male chavs, who like to listen to the misogynistic lyrics while driving a customised car.说唱乐是适合那些衣着俗气的青年的音乐,他们喜欢开着定制的汽车听那些贬低女性的歌词。The dog may even bite the other male and chase him from the room.这条狗甚至会咬另一名男性并将他从屋里赶出去。This book demystifies the male worlds of plumbing and carpentry.这本书使得水管工和木工的男人世界不再显得神秘。The absence of any famous female composers is more indicative of male dominance than male genius.没有著名的女作曲家,这反映出的是男人的主导地位,而不是男人的天赋。Why is full-frontal male nudity still so scarce in films?为什么男性正面全裸的镜头在电影里还是如此少见呢?Witnesses reported that the suspect was a white male.目击者举报说,嫌疑犯是一名白人男子。The implication is clear: young females do better if they mate with a new male.含意很清楚:年轻雌性如果与陌生雄性交配表现会更好。The women were segregated from the male workers in the factory.在这家工厂里女工和男工是分开的。No one of the male persuasion was present.到场的人中没有一个男的。Sex: male.性别:男。Most of the demonstrators were white and male.大多数示威者都是白人男子。The military was once an all-male preserve.军人曾是男人的专利。The handwriting belongs to a male.这是一位男性的笔迹。English inheritance descends through the male line.英国人是通过男性世代继承的。Although things are changing the medical establishment is still overwhelmingly male.虽然世易时移,但医学界依然是男性的天下。After mating the male wasps tunnel through the sides of their nursery.交配之后,雄黄峰们就从蜂房的侧面钻出去了。




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