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词汇 at bay
例句 Although the doctors had been able to keep her illness at bay for a few months, the disease soon began to spread again.尽管医生将她的病情控制住了几个月,可疾病不久又开始扩散了。He held me at bay with a pistol.他用手枪迫使我不得近身。Exercise can help keep fat at bay.锻炼有助于防止发胖。Beasts at bay will fight back.困兽犹斗。The overpowering despair that he'd fought so hard to keep at bay washed through the boy.一直极力压制的绝望情绪终于将男孩击垮了。Prisoners used the hostages to hold police at bay.囚犯利用人质使警察无法靠近。Several wolves prowled round the camp, but were kept at bay by the fire.几匹狼在营地周围悄然出没,但因为有篝火而不敢靠近。The dogs held the deer at bay.狗把鹿逼得走投无路,只好转身对抗。He kept me at bay with a long knife.他用一把长刀阻止我接近。Monstrously inflated costs are designed to keep the hoi polloi at bay.居高不下的生活开支势必会把老百姓逼入走投无路的境地。Wool traps your body heat, keeping the chill at bay.毛织品能够保暖御寒。Prisoners armed with baseball bats used the hostages to hold police at bay.手持棒球棒的囚犯们挟持了人质,使警察无法靠近。He held me at bay with a long knife.他用一把长刀阻止我接近。Insect screens over open windows should keep flies and wasps at bay.敞开的窗上的纱窗应把苍蝇和黄蜂挡在室外。A thick wall keeps the noise at bay.一道厚实的墙挡住了声音。The soldiers kept the attackers at bay. 士兵们使进攻者无法靠近。She was trying to keep her creditors at bay by robbing Peter to pay Paul. 把本来用作课后辅导的钱拿来买午饭简直是拆东墙补西墙。Monstrously inflated prices are designed to keep people like us at bay.疯狂上涨的价格会使我们这样的人走投无路。Eating oranges keeps colds at bay.吃橘子可以预防感冒。




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