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Magda walked out of the room before her husband could argue back.玛格达没等丈夫反驳就走出了房间。Magda is now married to George Callerby and we are the best of friends.玛格达现在已经和乔治·卡勒比结婚了,我们成了最好的朋友。There was no mistaking Magda's sincerity, or her pain.玛格达的真诚和痛苦都绝不可能是假装的。Magda was going to fly standby.马格达将购买起飞前的廉价剩余机票旅行。Magda had plumbed her own heart for answers.玛格达在自己心中搜寻答案。There was no mistaking Magda's sincerity.毫无疑问,玛格达是真诚的。Magda laughed gaily.玛格达喜笑颜开。 |