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词汇 magazines
例句 These pornographic magazines are deeply offensive to women.这些色情杂志严重冒犯了妇女。These magazines circulate mostly in rural areas.这些杂志大部分在农村地区销售。I bought some back issues of science magazines yesterday.昨天我买了几本过期的科学杂志。There were a couple of bags full of old records, magazines, and what have you.那几个袋子装满了旧唱片、杂志之类的东西。She subscribes to several gardening magazines.她订阅了几本园艺杂志。She has published articles in both learned journals and popular magazines.她在学术刊物和流行杂志上都发表过文章。I browsed through some magazines while I waited.我边等边浏览几本杂志。She'd found a pile of girlie magazines under Danny's mattress.她在丹尼的床垫下面发现了一堆裸女杂志。Her face has graced the cover of many magazines.她的面孔出现在很多杂志的封面上。Adult magazines in shops must be kept where children cannot see them.店里的成人杂志必须放在儿童看不见的地方。People have got used to nice glossy magazines.人们已经习惯了用精美的亮光纸印刷的杂志了。Frances shuffled through a pile of magazines.弗朗西斯翻遍了一大堆杂志。My father has a collection of magazines to which I return every now and then.我爸爸收藏了很多杂志,我有时会翻看一下。I'll sort through these magazines, and put on one side those that I wish to keep.我会挑一下这些杂志,把我要的放在一边。I like magazines full of illustrations.我喜欢看插图多的杂志。Charlatans advertise a variety of fat-reducing treatments in the back of magazines.骗子们在杂志封底刊登各种各样的减肥疗法广告。Once she was a hot topic in all the celebrity magazines, but now she's very much a back number.她一度是所有名人杂志的热门话题,但现在已经过气。For the magazine to be successful, it will have to compete in the big league against leading weekly women's magazines.为了成功,该杂志必须在高端市场和主流的女性周刊杂志竞争。The magazines were tied up in bundles.杂志被捆成了捆。It's important to keep your finger on the pulse by reading all the right magazines.通过阅读合适的杂志来保持消息的灵通很重要。I supported us by writing bilge for women's magazines.我胡乱给女性杂志写点东西,维持我们的生计。Now newspapers and magazines rehash the civil war almost daily.现在报刊杂志几乎天天重复刊登以那次内战为题材的文字。The advertisement will appear in three magazines.这则广告将出现在三本杂志上。The online magazines were her staple reading.网络杂志是她的经常性读物。As her train wasn't in yet, she went to the bookstall and flipped through the magazines.因为火车还没到,她就到书摊上去翻翻杂志。There's a shop in the hospital where they sell flowers and magazines and suchlike.医院里有个商店,卖鲜花、巧克力之类的东西。The magazines were organized by country of origin.这些杂志按来源国分类。We killed time by reading magazines.我们看杂志消磨时间。Women's magazines regularly feature diets and exercise regimes.女性杂志常以饮食养生与运动养生为特色。She reads the magazines to keep up to date on the latest fashions. 她阅读这些杂志以紧跟最新潮流。I leafed through some magazines in the waiting room.我在等候室里浏览了几本杂志。He slotted the magazines neatly into the rack.他把杂志整齐地插到架子上。I subscribe to several newspapers/magazines.我订阅了几种报纸/杂志。A few newspapers and magazines were piled on a table.几份报纸和杂志堆在桌上。Flora shuffled through a pile of magazines.弗洛拉胡乱地翻看一摞杂志。Her face has graced the covers of countless magazines.她的脸庞为无数的杂志封面增色。When her family moved to Hollywood, she developed a liking for movie magazines and film culture.自从她家搬到好莱坞之后,她渐渐爱上了电影杂志和电影文化。He put the magazines into a neat pile.他把杂志整整齐齐地叠放在一起。Too often we make decisions based solely upon what we see in the magazines.太多的时候,我们仅仅根据在杂志上面所看到的东西就作出了决定。You will no longer have a use for the magazines.你再也用不着这些杂志了。




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