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例句 The satellite could also be used to gather intelligence.卫星也能用来搜集情报。The proceeds from the sale will be used to repay the loan.销售所得将用来偿还贷款。After deductions for war reparations, the balance would be used to buy food and humanitarian supplies.扣除战争赔款后,余下的钱将用于购买食品和人道主义物资。The revenue will be used to help pay for environmental improvements.该收入将用于支付改善环境的部分费用。The technology can be used to produce interactive educational programs.这种技术可用来设计互动式教育程序。The controversial reforms could be used to further centralize power in the hands of one party.这些有争议的改革可能会使权力更加集中在一个政党手中。In spare moments he applied his mind to how rockets could be used to make money.在业余时间他潜心研究如何能用火箭来赚钱。This illustrates how experimental methods can be used to explore these issues.这说明了如何使用实验方法探讨这些问题。Body language can also be used to attract members of the opposite sex.肢体语言也可以用来吸引异性的注意。This type of surgery could even be used to extract cancerous growths.这种外科手术甚至可以用来切除癌性肿瘤。A bracket may be used to hold up a shelf or a candle.托架可用来支撑搁板或蜡烛。The proceeds from the school play will be used to buy a new curtain for the stage.学校演剧的收入将用于购买一幅新的舞台幕布。The money will be used to repair faulty equipment.这笔钱将用来修理出故障的设备。The money will be used to provide the school with new computer equipment.这笔资金将用于为该校提供新电脑设备。A laser beam can be used to up-convert infrared light to visible light.激光束可以用来使红外线向上变频成为可见光。Bark can be used to protect the plants against slugs.茎皮可用来保护植物免受鼻涕虫的侵害。The model will be used to simulate the effects of an earthquake.这个模型将用于模拟地震的影响。Antibiotics should be used to clear up the infection.应该用抗生素来消除感染。A variety of modalities of communication can be used to transmit health warnings to the public.有多种传播模式可用来将健康警报传递给公众。Computers can be used to facilitate language learning.计算机可以用来方便语言学习。The money will be used to buy equipment for the school.这笔钱将用来给学校购买设备。Most of the money will be used to establish local industries and mobilize the work-force.这笔钱大部分将用于创办地方工业和调用劳动力。Tax incentives would be used to attract firms to the regions, away from the South-East.将采取税收优惠政策把公司吸引到东南部以外的各地区。Laboratory tests suggest that the new drug may be used to treat cancer.实验室测试表明这种新药可用于治疗癌症。The proceeds will be used to improve the school playground.这笔收入将用来整修学校的操场。In vehicles, telematics can be used to monitor hours used and miles driven, each of which can be recorded in real time.在车辆中,远距离传送可用来监测所用的时间和驶过的里程,两个都是可以实时记录的数据。A video-cassette recorder can be used to preserve TV programs on tape.盒式录像机能用来把电视节目保存在录像带上。The money will be used to help starving children around the world.这笔钱将用于帮助世界各地挨饿的儿童。The research will be used to identify training needs.该研究将用来确定培训的需求。The spoon can be used to whisk eggs.这个勺可以用来搅鸡蛋。Uranium oxide can be used to fuel reactors.氧化铀可以用作核反应堆的燃料。The feedback will be used to modify the course for next year.这些反馈意见将用于修改明年的课程。He left all his money to the town, with the stipulation that it be used to build a museum.他把所有的钱都留给了该镇,条件是必须用这些钱来建一座博物馆。The large log basket can be used to tidy toys away.大木篮子可以用来装玩具。The system could be used to ensure that cars are converted to run on unleaded petrol.这一系统可以用来确保汽车得以改用无铅汽油。US troops in Panama will only be used to defend the Canal.在巴拿马的美军只是用来保护巴拿马运河的。The car breaks down so often, I suppose I should be used to it by now.这辆车老是抛锚,我想我现在应该习惯了。Scientists have recommended that new technology be used to target harmful bacteria.科学家建议使用新科技对付有害的细菌。Surgery may be used to treat cystocele symptoms.手术可能是治疗膀胱膨出的一种手段。The money will be used to regenerate the town centre.这笔钱将用于市中心的重建。




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