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词汇 machines
例句 She designs machines that are used to bore tunnels.她设计挖隧道的机器。My computer is a souped-up version of the standard machines.我的电脑是标准机型的升级版。Most people think of robots as machines that look like people.大多数人认为机器人是看起来像人的机器。The new coffee machines will accept coins of any denomination.新型咖啡机接受任何面值的硬币。Not to be outdone, other computer manufacturers are also donating machines to schools.为了不让对手超过自己,其他的计算机生产商也在向学校捐赠计算机设备。The semiprofessional machines come with two or three speeds.接近于供专业人员使用的机器有两三档速度。Many of the workers have been replaced by machines.许多工人已经被机器替代了。The machines whirred and clanked.机器时而呼呼作响,时而又叮当作响。There were guidelines about the procedure to follow if any of the voting machines became inoperative.指南规定了在投票机不能工作时应该遵守的程序。A technician loads a videotape into one of the machines.一位技术人员把录像带放进一台机器里。The machines needed to extract and work the raw stone.这些机器需要用来开采加工原石。Their HQ comprises miles of corridors with their ubiquitous coffee machines.他们的总部有数英里长的走廊,其间咖啡机无处不在。These machines don't need a lot of care and feeding. 这些机器不需要太多的维护。The machines will be knocked down before being packed for shipment.这些机器将拆卸后打包装船。It's possible to operate the machines by remote control.用遥控器来操作这几台机器是可能的。A lot of the machines at the factory are very old-fashioned.工厂里的许多机器都很过时了。The latest machines scramble the messages so that the conversation cannot easily be intercepted.最新的机器对信号作扰频处理,通话就不易被侦听了。The new range of machines will bring flexibility to your business computing.新型机器系列将使你们的商务计算机处理更加灵活。The machines jammed and broke down.机器卡住出了故障。One of the machines started to make a strange knocking sound.其中有台机器开始发出奇怪的笃笃声音。This can be done by machines with more speed and economy.这可以用机器来完成,又快又经济。He wanted to do some fancy stuff with drum machines.他想用电子鼓来作些高技巧性的表演。This new equipment will be very expensive to set up. Furthermore, more machines will mean fewer jobs.安装这种新的设备成本很高,况且,机器越多将意味着就业机会越少。Each worker takes care of three machines.每个工人看管三台机器。You're guaranteed to lose on those machines.那些机器一定会让你失败。They had been requested not to give out details of the machines' construction.他们被要求不公布机器结构的细节。Some old machines in the workshop sit idle.车间里有几台旧机器闲置不用。He has learned to run farm machines.他学会了开农场的机器。These washing machines simply are not moving.这些洗衣机压根儿卖不出去。The company is planning to major on offering the machines we need.这家公司正在计划专门提供我们所需的机械。She has a phobia about telephone answering machines and will never leave a message.她十分惧怕电话答录机,永远也不会用它留言。Their work is now rendered obsolete by machines.他们的工作已被机器淘汰。Keep clear of the machines while they're running.机器运转时不要靠近。Relays of workers kept the machines going through the night.工人们轮班工作,机器彻夜运转。Less expensive machines are just as good or even better.便宜些的机器也一样好,甚至还更好。Students from all faculties will have access to the machines.各院系的学生都可以使用这些机器。I used to have one of those old sewing machines, but it was too cumbersome.我过去有一台这种旧式缝纫机,不过那东西太笨重了。All machines give out eventually.最终所有的机器都失灵了。He got his first lessons in cold calling, following his uncle as he sold sewing machines around the island.他跟着叔叔在小岛周边销售缝纫机,获得了上门销售的最初经验。Given the sophistication of modern machines, there is little that cannot be successfully washed at home.鉴于现代机器的先进程度,几乎没有什么东西是在家里洗不了的。




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