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词汇 at an early age
例句 With the Suzuki method, a child is trained to play by ear at an early age without any written music.按铃木教学法,小儿不需乐谱只凭耳朵学习如何演奏。I learned to mimic at an early age.我年龄很小时就学会模仿。He was sent away to school at an early age.他很小就被送去上学。She first showed/gave evidence of her abilities at an early age.她小时候便初露才华。Girls from deprived backgrounds often become pregnant at an early age.出身于贫困家庭的女孩往往很早就怀孕了。Children are socialized at an early age.孩子们从小被教着去适应社会。A child should be exposed to culture at an early age.孩子应在幼龄就受文明的熏陶。Her genius began to bud at an early age.她的天资在早年就开始发展。Most children learn to ride a bicycle at an early age.大多数孩子小时候就学骑自行车。She showed a scientific bias at an early age.她在少年时就显示出对科学的偏爱。Reading is a good way to develop a child's imagination at an early age.阅读是使孩子们的想象力在很小时就得到培养的好方法。The importance of good manners was drummed into us at an early age.我们很小就被反复叮嘱要注重行为举止。She was blinded in an accident at an early age.她早年在一次事故中失明了。He was exposed to the classics at an early age.他从很小就开始接触经典作品。He was cast loose at an early age to make a living on his own.他年纪很小的时候就漂泊在外独自谋生。He got used to drinking hard liquor at an early age.他很小就习惯喝烈性酒了。She evinced an interest in art at an early age.她年幼时就表现出了对艺术的兴趣。Perlman's musical talents shone through at an early age.珀尔曼的音乐才华在他早年就已显露无遗。He started painting professionally at an early age.他年纪很小时就开始专业绘画。The loss of both her parents at an early age distorted her outlook on life.早年失去双亲扭曲了她的人生观。Hay fever is an affliction which arrives at an early age.枯草热是年纪较小时会患的一种病。A timid child, Isabella had learned obedience at an early age.伊莎贝拉是一个羞怯的孩子,很小就学会了顺从。His musical talent evinced itself at an early age.他的音乐才能在早年就显露出来了。He got hooked on drugs at an early age.他年轻时就吸毒成瘾了。He came to the fore as a physicist at an early age.他在早年就成了杰出的物理学家。They were betrothed to each other at an early age.他们小时候就订了婚。He was struck deaf/blind at an early age.他小时候就耳聋/失明了。He displayed artistic tendencies at an early age.他小时候就显示出了艺术气质。The calves are weaned at an early age.这些牛犊很小就给断奶了。Ben was orphaned at an early age and raised by an uncle.本年幼时就成了孤儿,由一位叔叔抚养大。It is reasonable to assume watching a lot of television at an early age interferes with development.假设儿童年幼时看电视太多会影响发育是有道理的。She learned at an early age how to act properly in social situations.她从小就学会了如何在社交场合表现得体。




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