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词汇 rod
例句 The iron rod supporting the valances was bent in an arc.挂窗帘上部短幔的铁棍弯成了个弓形。I knew I was in trouble when I was taken to the garage with a rod.当我被人拿著棍棒赶到车库时,我知道我惹下麻烦了。He took out a white rod, which he telescoped into a walking stick.他拿出一根白色棒条,把它缩折成一根手杖。I rested my fishing rod against a pine bough.我把钓竿靠在一根大松枝上。The Secret police ruled the city with a rod of iron.秘密警察使用高压手段控制着这个城市。I watched my companion disjoint his fishing rod.我看着同伴拆鱼竿。I held on tight as my fishing rod bent double.我紧握住弯折的鱼竿。He has served well as his boss's lightning rod. 他忠心履职,充当了上司的替罪羊。She hung the curtain on a wooden rod.她把窗帘挂在木杆上。Some of the best extensions are made from sections of rod tube or drainpipe.最好的延长管中有些是用杆管或排水管制成的。The tip of the fishing rod jigged up and down.钓竿的一头上下颤动。A metallic rod shortens by cold.金属棒遇冷会缩短。The company has become a lightning rod for the public's anger.那家公司成了平息众怒的替罪羊。By giving in to the terrorists' demands, the government will simply be making a rod for its own back.政府要是屈从于恐怖分子的要求就只会惹火烧身。The fishing rod is made of split bamboo.这钓鱼竿是用劈开的竹子做的。He is a lightning rod for controversy.他是个争议性人物。If I don't get a bite in a few minutes I lift the rod and twitch the bait.如果几分钟没有鱼上钩,我就提起钓竿晃动一下鱼饵。He was subjected to the rod in all its rigours in the school.他在学校里受尽了笞杖体罚之苦。We can't evade the issue; all we can do is to kiss the rod.这个问题我们规避不了,只好俯首受罚。He took his rod and began leisurely to cast the brook.他拿了钓竿,开始悠闲地在溪边垂钓。Their mother ruled their life with a rod of iron.他们的母亲严厉地控制着他们的生活。The fishing rod telescopes into its handle.这钓竿可叠缩进竿柄。The rod bent double, the reel shrieked and ratcheted.操作杆进一步弯曲,线轴发出刺耳的吱吱声。Whatever is he doing with that rod?他拿着那根竿子到底在做什么?There's a fine rod in pickle for you, if you carry out that scheme.假使你实行那个阴谋的话,严厉的惩罚在等着你呢!Slacken off the line, and pull the fishing rod towards you.放松钓鱼线,把鱼竿往回拉。He took out a white rod which he telescoped into a walking stick.他拿出一根白色长棍,把它缩折成一根手杖。He has long been a lightning rod for controversy/criticism.他在很长时间里一直是争吵/批评的出气筒。He was subjected to the rod in all its rigors in this school.他在这所学校里受尽了籉杖体罚之苦。The rod bent as he pulled in the fish.当他把鱼拉上来时,鱼竿都弯了。I bought a fishing pole/rod and some fishing line.我买了一根钓鱼竿和一些钓鱼线。Doctors had to use a metal rod to join the two pieces of bone together.医生得用一根金属棒把两块骨头接起来。I jerked the fishing rod back and lost the fish.我猛地拉起鱼竿,结果鱼跑了。The senator has become a lightning rod for criticism.参议员成了挨批评的活靶子。The whole works, rod, reel, tackle box, went overboard.全套鱼具,包括钓竿、绕线轮、鱼具箱等,都从船上掉入水中。




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