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词汇 luggage
例句 They arrived home minus their luggage.他们到家了,但行李没有了。They had left the luggage at the station.他们将行李留在车站。May I take your luggage to your room for you?我帮你把行李搬到你房间去好吗?He put his luggage to one side.他把行李放到一边。Have you tied the airline tags on the luggage?你已把航空公司的标签系上行李了吗? May I help you with your luggage, ma'am? 女士,需要我帮你拿行李吗?When drugs were found in her luggage, she claimed it was a set-up.在她的行李里发现了毒品后,她声称这是被人陷害的。Airline screeners found a suspicious package in his luggage which turned out to be a bomb.机场安检人员在他的行李中发现一件可疑包裹,最终查明是枚炸弹。These will fit neatly into the compact luggage compartments.这些东西装进小行李箱的格子里正合适。Can I park my luggage here?我可以把行李存放在这儿吗? At customs, dogs are used to smell out drugs in passengers' luggage.在海关,狗被用来嗅查乘客行李中的毒品。They heaved their luggage into the car.他们把行李抬到车上。This luggage won't go in the car.车子放不下这行李。He piled in all the luggage and drove off.他把所有的行李都塞进车箱,然后开车走了。A heap of luggage had been flung from the van.从货车上丢下了一堆行李。Clothes were thrown in the luggage in an untidy heap.衣服被乱糟糟地扔进旅行箱里。Will you be checking in any luggage, madam?女士,您有行李要托运吗?I'll send my luggage on ahead.我要把行李先送走。Several kilos of crack were found in her luggage.在她的行李中发现了好几公斤强效纯可卡因。Each passenger was allowed two pieces of luggage.每位乘客可携带两件行李。All her luggage was in readiness for the trip.她这次旅行的行李已准备就绪。Please put your luggage in the overhead compartment.请把行李放在上方的行李架上。It took quite a while to sort out all our luggage.整理我们的全部行李花了不少时间。All hand luggage has to be scanned.所有手提行礼都必须经过扫描。The airline checked in our luggage.航空公司为我们办理了行李托运。Carrying the luggage was murder on my back.搬行李弄得我背疼得要命。He quickly got himself and his luggage through customs.他拖着行李快速通过海关。I must have lost my luggage when we transferred.我一定是在换车时把行李丢了。Help me with this luggage, will you?请你帮我搬搬这件行李好吗? The luggage is scoured, scratched, and gouged.行李遭到磕磕碰碰,留下了一道道刮痕。The luggage zips open.这件行李一拉拉链就开了。On occasion pilots have even pitched in to help ground crews move luggage.飞行员们有时甚至动手帮助地勤人员搬运行李。We schlepped our luggage through the airport.我们拖着行李走过机场。Light luggage may be left at the owner's risk.轻便行李可以寄存,风险由所有人自己承担。The car has a lot of luggage space.这款车行李空间很大。There's plenty of room in the boot for your luggage.车后的行李箱有足够的空间装你的行李。Passengers with hand luggage can go straight to the departure gate to check in there.携带手提行李的乘客可直接到登机口办理登机手续。Passengers with trolleys piled high with luggage waited at the check-in desk.旅客们推着行李摞得高高的手推车等候办理登机手续。I had to laugh when I found out that our luggage had been lost. What else could go wrong?当我发现我们的行李丢失时,我不得不苦笑。还有什么更糟糕的事吗?The Dempster family arrived back in England safely but minus their luggage.登普斯特一家平安返回伦敦,但是不见了他们的行李。




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