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词汇 用电
例句 The researchers stimulated the muscle electrically.研究人员用电来刺激那块肌肉。Which machine uses the most electricity?哪台机器用电最多?Forecasters will be making an educated guess about the demand for electricity this summer.预报员会对今年夏天的用电需求做出预测。France generates a large part of its electricity from nuclear power.在法国大部分用电是通过核动力产生的。The lift is operated by electricity.电梯是用电开动的。Gas appliances are usually cheaper to run than electric ones.燃气设备一般比用电的使用起来要便宜。The generator supplies power for lighting.发电机提供照明用电He's always moaning that we use too much electricity.他总是抱怨我们用电太多。An electrical overload may have started the blaze.大火有可能是超负荷用电引起的。We switched over from electricity to gas because it was cheaper.我们从用电改成了用煤气,因为煤气较便宜。Peak usage periods, such as extreme cold weather, have been known to spark brownouts.我们已经知道在用电高峰期,比如严寒的冬天,会有供电不足的情况发生。By Sunday, electricity had been restored.到星期天就已经恢复了用电The car is a hybrid vehicle that uses both electricity and gasoline.这辆汽车是一种混合动力车,既用电又用汽油。




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