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例句 We rated his fortune at about one hundred thousand dollars.我们估计他的财产约值十万美元。The police estimated the number of demonstrators at about 5,000.警方估计示威者的人数为五千左右。She came home completely smashed at about 2 o'clock this morning.她今天凌晨两点左右回家,喝得酩酊大醉。I usually turn in at about midnight.我通常午夜左右才上床睡觉。The highway links Vancouver and Whistler, and passes through Squamish at about the halfway point.这条公路连接温哥华和惠斯勒,大约在中途穿过斯阔米什。I got home at about half past one.我一点半左右到家的。We'll dine with our friends tonight at about seven.今晚7时左右我们将和朋友们进正餐。The old car bucketed along at about thirty.那辆旧车以30公里左右的时速行驶。I passed by your house last night at about ten o'clcok.我昨天晚上大约十点钟的时候经过你家。I usually get to school at about half past eight.我通常大约八点半到学校。I would put his age at about seventy.我估计他大概有70岁。I wore the ring constantly until my fingers and my ideals outgrew it, which conveniently occurred at about the same time.我之前一直都戴着这枚戒指,后来手指变粗戴不下了,刚好这时我也已经不太喜欢它了。A white van was seen in the vicinity at about the time when the murder took place.凶杀案发生时,有人看到一辆白色小货车停在附近。They rated their daily coal output at about 2,100 tons.他们估计他们的煤炭日产量为2 100吨左右。People felt the first jolt of the earthquake at about 8 a.m.人们感觉到地震的第一下晃动大约是在上午八点钟。I usually have breakfast at about seven o'clock.我通常七点左右吃早餐。She went peacefully at about midnight.她大约半夜时分安详地去世了。She says she heard a gunshot at about midnight.她说她大约在半夜时分听到了一声枪响。I'll come for you at about eight o'clock.我八点左右来接你。Everyone left at about midnight, leaving the newlyweds alone at last.大家都在午夜时分离开了,终于让这对新婚夫妇单独在一起。The attendants at the festival was averaged at about one hundred persons.参加节庆的人大约有百人之众。Babies will start to take solids at about six months of age.婴儿在约六个月大时开始食用固体食物。




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