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词汇 look up
例句 The kids really look up to their coach.孩子们对教练十分钦佩。I looked up and saw what they were doing.我抬头看见了他们正在做什么。I've always looked up to Bill for his courage and determination.我一向佩服比尔的勇气和决心。You're a popular girl, Grace, and a lot of the younger ones look up to you.你很受大家欢迎,格雷丝,很多比你小的女孩子都很崇拜你。Elaine looked up at the black, velvety sky studded with tiny, twinkling stars.伊莱恩抬头看着漆黑的、丝绒般的天空,闪闪繁星点缀其中。She looked up through stinging tears.她抬起被泪水刺痛的眼睛向上看。I've always looked up to my older brother.我对哥哥一向敬佩。I shall look up Smith's number in the directory.我将翻电话簿查一下史密斯的电话号码。Edmund looked up with an impish grin.埃德蒙带着顽皮的笑容抬起了头。Occasionally Alice would look up from her books.艾丽斯看书时偶尔会抬起头来。Caroline looked up and laughed.卡罗琳抬起头来笑了。He'd always looked up to his uncle.他一直很敬重叔叔。We rolled on our backs and looked up at the sky.我们翻过身来仰望着天空。The little dog looked up and cocked its ears.小狗抬起头竖着耳朵听。We look up to him as a hero.我们把他尊为英雄。Many people have to look up the meaning of this word in the dictionary.这个词的意思很多人都要查字典才知道。Henry looked up, then continued his monologue.亨利抬头看看,然后继续他的长篇独白。He looked up and down the rain-swept street.他仔细打量着被雨水冲刷的街道。Every so often, Frank looked up at me and smiled.埃夫里偶尔抬起头朝我笑笑。I looked up to see the car bearing down on me.我一抬头,看见那辆汽车正向我冲过来。He looked up, glanced at them without recognition, and went on his way.他抬头看了他们一眼,没认出他们,便继续向前走。He looked up at me with a scowl.他抬起头来,皱着眉头看着我。Rolling over on my back, I looked up at the sky.我翻过身来仰躺着,两眼望着天空。If you look up the title of the book, you should then find the author.你如果查找书名,就会找到作者。She looked up, her face creasing into a smile.她抬起头来,脸上露出了微笑。I looked up, and saw a dog trotting along the sidewalk toward me.我抬头一看,看见一条狗在人行道上向我小跑过来。I'll just go online and look up her address.我就去网上查她的地址。The child looked up at him, transfixed.那孩子抬起头,呆呆地看着他。She looked up, a nervous smile on her face.她抬头看了看,脸上带着一丝局促不安的微笑。When he looked up, he saw the boss.他抬起头时看到了老板。I looked up to see her straddling one of the huge branches of the oak tree.我抬起头来,只见她跨腿坐在橡树上一根粗大的树枝上。We looked up at the rocky peaks towering above us.我们抬头看高高耸立在我们上方岩石嶙峋的山峰。I looked up at the clouds floating in the sky.我抬头看着天上的浮云。He looked up his old friends during his stay in London.他在伦敦逗留期间看望了老朋友们。He looked up from his newspaper.他停止看报纸,把头抬了起来。The receptionist hardly looked up from her book when I came in the office.我进办公室的时候,接待员在看书,头都没抬一下。Bowman looked up at her, his gaze slightly unfocused.博曼抬头看着她,目光有些茫然。When Ferris looked up he fancied that he saw a shadow pass close to the window.费里斯抬头向上看,感觉看见一个影子在窗子近旁经过。She looked up from her book and smiled at him.她暂停看书,抬起头朝他笑了笑。She looked up at him, a big grin on her face.她笑容灿烂地抬头朝他看去。




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