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词汇 looking for
例句 He's looking for a car with a lot of headroom.他在找一款车内净空大的车。The subject is practically useful and will stand you in good stead when looking for a job.这个学科很实用,对你日后找工作有利。I called up their website, but it didn't have the information I was looking for.我进入了他们的网站,但上面没有我要找的信息。She's looking for a new job.她在找新工作。They're looking for full-time staff at the library.图书馆正在招聘专职工作人员。I'm sorry, we're really looking for someone with no family commitments.对不起,我们其实在寻找没有家庭负担的人。She's been looking for work for three months now.她找了三个月的工作了。We're looking for a uniquely talented individual.我们正在寻觅一位独一无二的、有特别才能的人。She was looking for a chance to pay old scores with her brother.她在寻找机会跟她哥哥算旧帐。Does your boss know you're looking for another job?你的老板知道你在另找工作吗?We are looking for someone to fill a senior management slot.我们在找一个人可以填补高级管理职位的空缺。She travelled the length and breadth of Ireland looking for her missing brother.她走遍爱尔兰四处寻找失踪的弟弟。We went here and there looking for berries.我们四处寻找浆果。Alex is always looking for ways to buck the system.亚历克斯总是想方设法抗拒现行制度。The movie is a story of three single women looking for true love.这部电影讲述的是三位单身女性寻找真爱的故事。This will be the house you're looking for.这大概就是你找的那所房子了。I rounded the curve looking for a place to pull over.我转过拐弯处寻找停靠的地方。Halfway down the page, there was the item I was looking for.在这一页中间有我在找的内容。The British electorate is looking for moderation and cooperation.英国的选民正在寻求互让与合作。Mother went through the drawer looking for the sweater.妈妈在抽屉中翻找毛衣。He turned out all his pockets looking for the ticket.他把所有口袋都翻出来,寻找那张票。I spent months looking for a job, with no luck.我找了好几个月的工作,都没有运气。We were served up with a list of titles that best matched what we were looking for.我们得到了一份符合我们寻找要求的标题清单。But anyone looking for income from their investments is in a much worse state.但是,那些指望靠投资获取收入的人境况更为糟糕。She rifled through the contents of her wardrobe looking for the dress.她在衣橱里快速翻找着裙子。Soldiers swept the town, looking for deserters.军队把小镇搜查得十分彻底,想搜出开小差的士兵。She's looking for a job in the music business.她正在音乐圈内找工作。I was looking for a backer to assist me in the attempted buy-out.我想全部收购,正在寻找能够赞助的人。Police frogmen have been searching the lake looking for a weapon.警方的蛙人一直在湖中寻找一件凶器。He started looking for jobs in the southeast.他开始在东南部地区找工作。We are looking for sponsorship from local businesses.我们在向当地企业寻求赞助。So there you are. I've been looking for you.原来你在这儿,我到处找你。Inexperience can work against someone looking for a job.没有经验可能对求职者不利。We are looking for an environmentally benign alternative to bleach.我们正在寻找一种有利于环保的替代品用于漂白。We're looking for an apartment somewhat removed from the noise of downtown.我们在寻找离喧哗的市中心稍微远些的公寓。She chased all over town looking for a dress in her size.她为寻找尺寸合身的衣服而满城跑。It's important to devise a job search strategy when looking for work.找工作的时候设计一套求职战略是很重要的。Molly tore off the child's clothing looking for more marks and bruises.莫莉一下子脱去那个孩子的衣服,看看有没有更多伤痕和青肿。They examined the child carefully, looking for telltale signs of abuse.他们仔细检查了那个孩子,寻找被虐待的痕迹。He kept looking for a chance to get his own back on Freddie.他一直在找机会报复弗雷迪。




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