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词汇 look forward to
例句 We look forward to greater success in the coming year.我们期望来年取得更大的成功。I always look forward to getting home to my wife and children.我总是盼望着回到家里与妻子和孩子们团聚。After a busy day at work, I look forward to some downtime at home.忙碌地工作了一天之后,我盼望着在家休息一下。He felt he had nothing to look forward to in his life.他觉得生活没有指望。We look forward to a long and successful partnership with them.我们期待着与他们建立长期而卓有成效的合作伙伴关系。We look forward to your early reply.我们盼望早日得到您的答复。We all looked forward to the party in a fever of anticipation.我们都迫不及待地盼望这次聚会。We look forward to the day when leprosy will be extirpated.我们期待着麻风病终将绝迹的一天。I look forward to seeing this young tyro's next ballet.我期盼着看到这位舞蹈新手的下一支芭蕾。She can look forward to a happy old age.她渴望度过一个幸福的晚年。We look forward to your return from abroad.我们盼着你回国。He saved my bacon. I don't think I'd have made it through rehab with nothing to look forward to.他救了我。要是没有什么盼头我肯定没法完成康复治疗。We shall look forward to seeing him tomorrow.我们希望明天会见到他。They look forward to retirement as a release from dull and taxing jobs.他们盼望退休以摆脱枯燥而繁重的工作。We used to look forward to the weekends because that was when we could spend some time together.我们过去常常盼望周末,因为周末我们就可以有时间在一起了。He looked forward to life on the outside again.他盼望着重返狱外的生活。I look forward to the post-match analysis of the Leeds match. 我期待着对利兹这场比赛的赛后分析。Do you look forward to old age, or do you dread frailty, loss of memory and dependence on others?你是期望变老,还是害怕自己年迈体衰、记忆减退,而且还要依赖他人?I look forward to meeting you next week.我盼望下星期与你见面。He looked forward to bettering his acquaintance with the new neighbors.他期待与新邻居搞好关系。I shall look forward to meeting you next week.我盼望着下星期见到你。She looks forward to getting out of her business suit and into comfortable clothes at the end of the day.每天快下班时她都盼望能脱下职业装,换上舒适的衣服。Well, we shall look forward to seeing him tomorrow.嗯,我们期待着明天与他会面。I now look forward to going back to work as soon as possible.我现在渴望尽早回到工作岗位。Most women who take maternity leave look forward to returning to their jobs.大部分休产假的妇女都盼望回到自己的工作岗位上去。He does not glory in his past successes and looks forward to achieving more.他没有因为自己过去的成功扬扬自得,而是期待在未来取得更多的成绩。We've got two cracking games to look forward to.我们在期待着两场精彩的比赛。I look forward to seeing you soon. Regards, John.期待与你见面。谨致问候,约翰He looked forward to the party with anticipation.他期待聚会的来临。Jed looked forward to starting life again with a clean sheet.杰德期望清清白白地重新做人。The war ended and they looked forward to the dawn of happier days.战争结束了,他们期待着幸福日子的来临。We look forward to the day when nuclear weapons will no longer exist.我们期盼着核武器不复存在的那一天。It's not all doom and gloom and there is lots to look forward to.前景并非一片惨淡,仍然还有很多期待。With the trauma of the divorce behind her, Sandra could look forward to a better life.离婚的痛苦经历对桑德拉来说已成为过去,她可以期待更加美好的生活。At breakfast, I looked forward to a difficult day.我吃早饭时就料到这天不好过。She looked forward to talking to her daughter by phone.那时她期待和女儿通话。The one thing I look forward to is going punting in Cambridge.我期盼的一件事就是在剑桥乘坐平底船畅游。While most people look forward to retirement, some cannot bear the thought.大多数人盼望退休,而有些人却受不了这种想法。We look forward to a continuation of the talks next week.我们都盼望下周能继续会谈。Life is not worth living without food you can look forward to and enjoy!.如果没有美食可以让人期待和享受,那人生还有什么意思!




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