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词汇 longer
例句 Women usually live longer than men.女人通常比男人长寿。This kind of dolly is no longer common.这样的洗衣搅棒已不普遍了。Women live longer than men in general.一般说来,女人比男人长寿。Trains no longer run on this track.这条轨道已经不通火车了。That dish is no longer on the menu.那道菜已经不在菜单中了。I will not recognize him any longer.我不愿再理睬他了。He was told he wasn't wanted any longer.他被告知不再需要他了。The old boxing champion's legs were no longer so limber.那位老拳击冠军的双腿已经不再那么灵活了。These new bulbs last much longer than the ordinary ones.这些新灯泡比普通灯泡寿命长。In general, women manage the day-to-day finances but leave most longer-term decisions to men.通常,妇女管理日常财务,而把大多数较长期的决策交给男人。I should go mad if I had to spend any longer in this place.如果我在这个地方再呆上一会儿,我会发疯的。Will was no longer able to contain his laughter.威尔再也克制不住自己的笑声了。With the approach of summer came longer, hotter days.随着夏天的临近,白昼更长,天气更热。Are you prepared to work longer hours occasionally, to get the work done?你愿意偶尔加班把工作做完吗?She no longer teaches.她不再教书了。He could no longer trust his double-dealing friend.他无法再信任他那个耍两面派的朋友。He's very sick and he may not live much longer.他病得很厉害,可能时日不多了。She decided to hold off on her vacation for a while longer.她决定再延长一下假期。She could no longer tolerate his shallowness.她再也无法忍受他的肤浅了。She could not keep up the masquerade any longer.她再也无法继续伪装下去了。I don't know if I can stand the waiting any longer.再等下去,我不知道我是否受得了。How much longer must I din into your ears the importance of hard work?努力工作的重要性我还要一而再,再而三地跟你讲多少次才行? That actress is no longer box-office with him.他不再爱看那女演员的表演了。Arriving early is no longer a guarantee of getting a place.早到已无法确保有位置。Rotating the tyres every few months helps them last longer.隔几个月给轮胎进行一次换位有助于延长其使用寿命。It is no longer politically correct to refer to the educationally subnormal.再说教育上低于正常标准在政治上已经不正确了。He says he'll cooperate, but I don't know how much longer we can keep him in line.他说会合作,但我不知道他会和我们合作多久。Our world view has become debased. We no longer have a sense of the sacred.我们的世界观堕落了,我们不再具有神圣感。It's no longer theft for joyriding; it's theft for profit.这一偷车事件已不只是为了开车兜风玩玩,而是图财。It saddened him that they no longer trusted him.他们不再信任他了,他很伤心。She could no longer afford to keep him at school.她已无法再供他读书。The spade and fork have longer shafts, providing better leverage.锹和耙的手柄较长,可以更好地发挥杠杆优势。Sometimes they keep you on a bit longer if there's no one quite ready to step into your shoes.有时如果没有顶替你的合适人选,他们会继续雇用你一段时间。The wool is teased into longer and straighter fibres.羊毛被梳理成了更长更直的羊毛纤维。Recently I happened to mention in passing that I no longer enjoy driving.最近,我随口说过我不再喜欢开车了。His wife could no longer tolerate his brazen love affairs.他妻子再也无法忍受他那些无耻的外遇了。It cannot remain a secret much longer.这秘密藏不住了。Now that we have extended the hall, those small electric heaters are no longer adequate.我们把礼堂扩大了,那些小的电暖器就再也不够用了。Although the mill is no longer in commercial use, it is maintained as a working museum.尽管磨坊已不再用于商业用途,但它作为一座鲜活的博物馆保留了下来。Childcare is no longer solely a female domain.照管儿童已不再只是女性的工作。




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