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She spun him a yarn about receiving a disk which contained highly sensitive data.她骗他说自己收到一张存有高度敏感信息的磁盘。This is a highly sensitive matter.这是一件非常敏感的事。The eyes of predators are highly sensitive to the slightest movement.捕食性动物的眼睛能够捕捉到最细微的物体移动。The administration claims that the documents contain information of a highly sensitive political nature.政府称这些文件中有些极为敏感的政治情报。The equipment is highly sensitive.这套设备灵敏度很高。Infant mortality is a highly sensitive barometer of socio-economic conditions.婴儿死亡率是能够充分反映社会经济状况的高敏感度指标。The minister admitted that highly sensitive documents had been leaked to the press.部长承认,有高度机密的文件泄露给了媒体。 |