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词汇 log
例句 Users log onto a password-protected Internet site.使用者登录有密码保护的互联网站。The ax easily cleaves the log.这把斧子很容易就能把原木劈开。He split the log asunder with an ax.他用一把斧头将木头劈开。Joe was chopping at a tree when I walked past his log cabin.我走经乔的小木屋时,他在砍树。Teresa wondered if the burning log might set fire to the curtains.特蕾莎不知道那块燃烧的木头是否会使窗帘着火。All the ensuites have a log fire and a private garden or terrace.所有带浴室的房间都有烧木柴的壁炉和独立的花园或露台。He threw a chunky log on the fire.他往火中扔了一大块木柴。Please log off before you leave.请在离开前从系统注销。Truck drivers log thousands of miles every week.卡车司机每周行驶几千英里。I chopped the log with one clean cut.我利索地一下就把那根原木劈开了。He split the log into several pieces.他把木头劈成几块。Can you tell me how to log on to the Internet?你能告诉我怎么登入互联网吗?I keep getting an error message when I try to log on.我想登录时,总是收到出错信息。She went to warm her hands by the log fire.她把手伸向木火堆取暖。If you lift up a rotting log you will find all sorts of insects underneath.要是你抬起一根腐烂的木头,就会发现底下有各种昆虫。They live in a log cabin tucked among the trees.他们住在树林深处的小木屋中。Remember to log off when you're finished.完成之后记住退出系统。A log fire crackled in the fireplace.一节原木在壁炉里烧得噼啪作响。He carved a statue of her out of an old log.他用一段旧原木为她雕刻了一座塑像。Cara slept like a log right through the storm.这样的狂风暴雨,卡拉还是睡得很熟。They hollowed out a log.他们把一根原木挖空。The large log basket can be used to tidy toys away.大木篮子可以用来装玩具。There's nothing more comforting than a blazing log fire.没有比熊熊柴火更令人舒服的了。You need to log on to your home page.你需要登录你的主页。The woodsman drives the wedge into the log with a heavy maul.伐木工用大槌把楔子打进原木。He complained to a senior officer, who made a note in the ship's log.他向一名高级官员投诉,该官员在航海日志上作了记录。The log cabin stayed empty, except when we came.除非我们到来,要不然那间小木屋一直都是空的。Customers pay to log on and gossip with other users.顾客付费后登录系统和其他用户聊天。They spread-eagled him on a log.他们把他的四肢扳开绑在圆木上。Customers pay to log in and gossip with other users.顾客付费登录后和其他用户聊天。They broke down the door with a big heavy log.他们用一根粗大的木头将门砸开。A log fell, sending a shower of sparks up the chimney.一块木头落下来,溅起的一阵火花冲进了烟囱。I can log in remotely to my computer. 我可以远程登录我的电脑。They hollowed the log to make a canoe.他们挖空原木,做了一条独木舟。She kept a log of their voyage.她记了航海日志。With one last chop he split the log in two.他最后一下把木头劈成了两半。They log everyone and everything that comes in and out of here.他们对进出这里的所有人和物逐一登记。They would log into their account and take a look at prices and decide what they'd like to do.他们会登入自己的账户,查看价格后再决定怎么做。I shut the shed door and wedged it with a log of wood.我关上小屋的门,并用一根木棍将门楔住。Throw another log on the fire.再往篝火上扔一根木柴。




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