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词汇 lodge in
例句 The bullet lodged in his brain.子弹射进了他的头部。The bullet was lodged in his spine.子弹嵌在他的脊椎骨里。They just got the ideas lodged in their minds that he was a liar.他们就是抱有先入之见,认为他是个说谎家伙。An air strike left him with shrapnel lodged in his chest.一次空袭过后,有块弹片嵌入他的胸部。They lodged in a school last night.昨晚他们住在一所学校里。The bullet was lodged in his brain.子弹射进了他的头部。A bullet had lodged in the boy's leg.一颗子弹嵌进了男孩的腿里。Gold would sink and lodge in riffles that lined the bottom.黄金下沉并留存在底部的格条中。The bullet is still lodged in her brain.那颗子弹还嵌在她的大脑里。He had some shrapnel lodged in his right arm which had to be taken out.他右臂嵌有一些弹片,必须得取出来。The funds were lodged in an offshore account.资金存放在一个海外账户里。This new strain of wheat does not tend to lodge in rainy season.这一小麦新品种在雨季不易倒伏。The building he was lodged in turned out to be a church.原来,他被安排住下的那栋建筑是一座教堂。I had somehow got the bone lodged in my throat.我不知怎么把骨头卡在喉咙里了。The bullet lodged in his neck.子弹射进他的颈部。If you've got something to say it's got to be lodged in their brains at the end.如果你有话要说,那就要让他们最终将这些话牢记于心。A bullet lodged in his left shoulder.一颗子弹嵌在他的左肩。A small splinter of metal had lodged in his thumb.一小块金属扎入了他的大拇指。The lorry was lodged in a very precarious way, with its front wheels hanging over the cliff.卡车的位置很危险,前轮悬在峭壁上面。The building he was lodged in turned out to be a church.原来,他租住的那栋建筑是一座教堂。The money was lodged in a Swiss bank account.这笔钱存入了一个瑞士银行的账户。The bullet lodged in the sergeant's leg, shattering his thigh bone.子弹嵌进了中士的腿里,使其股骨碎裂。A bullet lodged in his brain.一颗子弹射进了他的脑袋。The crops lodged in the storm.庄稼在暴风雨中倒伏。Everybody was obliged to lodge in the town.所有人都不得不在镇里投宿。The king built a large hunting lodge in the mountains.国王在山里兴建了一座巨大的狩猎屋。It just lodged in my mind as a very sentimental song.这首歌令人感怀不已,我已牢牢记住。A piece of meat lodged in his throat.一块肉卡在他的喉咙里。The refugees were lodged in old army barracks.难民被安置在旧兵营里。His car has a bullet lodged in the passenger door.他的车在客座位的门上嵌着一颗子弹。The ship's remains were lodged in shallow water between two keys.船只残骸嵌在两个暗礁之间的浅水中。Such rights lodge in the general manager.总经理有这些权利。But the funds had in fact been lodged in overseas accounts.但是,这笔资金实际上已经存到海外账户里了。A fishbone lodged in her throat.一根鱼骨卡在她的喉咙里。The fishbone lodged in her throat.鱼刺卡在她的喉咙里。A fishbone lodged in his throat.一根鱼刺卡在他的喉咙里。Perez still has a slug lodged in his left shoulder.佩雷斯的左肩仍嵌着一颗子弹。The details have been lodged in court by Mr Walker's legal team.这些细节是由沃克先生的律师团在法庭上提出的。A fish bone got/became lodged in her throat.一根鱼刺卡在了她的喉咙里。The workers were lodged in temporary camps.工人们被安置在临时帐篷里。




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