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词汇 misspent
例句 He enjoys telling stories of his misspent youth. 他很爱讲他虚度青春的故事。Ruby recalled getting stoned during her misspent youth.鲁比还记得,在虚度光阴的少女时代她曾经因为吸食毒品而飘飘欲仙。The ruin of misspent years can't be undone.蹉跎岁月的损失无法弥补。They have misspent their scarce funds on facilities that nobody needs.他们把短拙的资金浪费在购置没人需要的设备上。He's now paying the penalty for his misspent youth.现在他要为虚度青春付出代价。Much of the money was grossly misspent.大部分的钱都被大笔挥霍掉了。She saw it as a chance to relive her misspent youth.她把这看成是重温自己虚度的青年时代的机会。His lack of qualifications was taken as a sign of a misspent youth.他资质不足,这被看成是他虚度青春的表现。We must stop public money being misspent in this way.我们必须制止公款被这样滥用。




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