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词汇 loaf
例句 They have seen news film of families queueing in Russia to buy a loaf of bread.他们已经看过那段俄罗斯许多家庭为买面包排起长队的新闻画面。He'd eaten half a loaf of bread, and that was aside from the sandwich he'd had earlier.他吃了半条面包,那还不包括早些时候吃的三明治。They ate half a loaf between them at every meal.他们俩每餐共吃半个面包。Well, you've got to use your loaf a little bit!嘿,你得动一点脑筋才行!He sawed at the loaf with a blunt knife.他用一把钝刀来回切面包。He divided the loaf in half.他把面包分成两半。Dee wanted a loaf to take back with her.迪伊要她带一条面包回去。He hacked away at the loaf with a knife.他拿起餐刀切起了面包。During the weekends I like to just loaf around the house.在周末我喜欢在家里悠闲地消磨时光。Knead the dough lightly, then shape it into a round loaf.轻轻地揉面团,然后搓成圆条面包形。He was already down to his last loaf of bread.他已经穷得只剩下最后一个面包了。She cut the loaf in two and gave me one of the halves.她把那条面包切成两半,把其中一半给了我。The housing provisions in the bill were regarded as less than half a loaf by the urban poor.法案中有关住房问题的规定被城市贫民认为跟所希望的差得太远。The cost of a loaf of bread has increased fivefold.一块面包的价钱涨了五倍。She bought a sliced white loaf.她买了一条切成片的白面包。She cut a slice off the loaf.她从长条面包上切下一片。Cut the dough in half and shape each half into a loaf.将生面团一切为二,再分别揉成长条形。He cut a thick slice from the end of the loaf.他从面包的一头切下厚厚的一片。Don't loaf; please get the job done.别磨磨蹭蹭,请把工作做完。This bread's stale - have we got another loaf?这面包变味了,我们还有一条吗?Cut several slashes across the top of the loaf before baking.面包烘烤前在上面切几道口子。The farmer liked to make a single plaited loaf.农夫喜欢做单辫结面包。Spread the inside of the loaf with olive paste or pesto sauce for extra flavour.在面包里面涂些橄榄酱或香蒜酱会更好吃。




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