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词汇 liven up
例句 With the arrival of John's friends, the party livened up.随着约翰朋友的到来,聚会活跃起来。He livened up the editorial page.他把社论版办得生气勃勃。He livened up the party by telling a joke.他讲了一个笑话使聚会活跃起来。Her arrival livened up the party.她的到来活跃了聚会的气氛。The party livened up as soon as Sally arrived.萨莉一到,晚会立刻活跃了起来。The arena livens up on Saturdays and Sundays when a flea market is open there.这片场地一到周六和周日跳蚤市场开市便热闹起来。The party really livened up after she arrived.她来之后,聚会才真正热闹起来。Their arrival livened up an otherwise dull afternoon.他们的到来使得原本沉闷的午后变得愉快起来。She was subdued to start with, but after a while she livened up.刚开始的时候她有点儿沉默,但过了一阵就活跃起来了。After a few drinks she livened up a little.几杯酒下肚,她活跃了一些。The meeting began to liven up after he spoke.在他发言之后会议开始活跃起来。The arena livens up only on Saturdays and Sundays when a flea market is open there.只有在周六周日跳蚤市场开市时,这片场地才会热闹起来。The multicoloured rag rug was chosen to liven up the grey carpet.选择这块五彩缤纷的碎呢小毯是为了给这灰色的地毯添些生气。George livened up after midnight.乔治午夜后活跃了起来。A pair of jewelled earrings will liven up this dress without detracting from its simplicity.一对宝石耳环会让这件礼服更出彩而又不失简单大方。Tropical fruit such as mangoes and kiwis can help to liven up salad.像芒果和猕猴桃等热带水果能使沙拉看上去更诱人。She tried to liven up her speech with a few jokes.她讲了几个笑话,想让自己的发言更有趣。George livens up after midnight, relaxing a little.午夜过后,乔治来了劲,人也活跃起来。




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