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例句 What's worse, they will be dystrophic so as to affect body development.更糟糕的是,他们会营养不良,这样一来,会影响身体发育。They agreed as to the grand outlines, but quibbled over particulars.他们对重大要点表示同意,但对细节却闪烁其词。There is dispute among scholars as to the source of the text. = The source of the text is a matter/subject of dispute among scholars.学者们对于文本的来源有争议。The Defence Secretary made a public statement about the crisis, but it was worded in such a way as to give very little information.国防部长就这次危机发表了公开声明,但他措辞谨慎,没有透露多少情况。There is still some confusion as to the time of the meeting.开会时间现在还不确定。The statement gave no hint as to what the measures would be.讲话没有就这些措施的具体内容作出暗示。How can you be so cruel as to criticize her weight?拿她的体重打趣,你怎么能如此伤人呢?He had backslid so far as to bargain with the infidel.他已堕落到和异教徒讨价还价的地步。There is no simple or definitive answer as to why he has become so reserved.他为什么变得如此沉默寡言,没有什么简单或确定的答案。It remains a mystery as to where he was buried.他的埋葬地至今仍是个谜。We now have an important clue as to the time of the murder.我们现在对这宗谋杀案的案发时间有了重要的线索。It contained so many errors as to render it worthless.它错误太多,所以毫无用处。We go back and look at our exit interviews as to why people leave.我们回过头来看一下员工离职时对其进行的面谈,以便弄清人们离开的原因。We're giving the medical center a free hand as to how it spends the money.至于经费如何使用,我们放手让医疗中心自行决定。We had our suspicions as to who did it.这事儿到底是谁干的,我们有所怀疑。Our common practice is to sell the buildings in which our offices are and to lease them back so as to free large sums of money.我们的一贯做法是,将办公室所在的楼房卖掉,同时又租回来以便腾出大量的资金。I have reasoned with him as to his conduct.关于他的行为我已规劝过他了。He defended himself so as to prove his innocence.他为自己辩护,以证清白。A tradition has emerged of trying to make an educated guess as to who will win the Nobel prize.预测诺贝尔奖归属已经成了惯例。She was still undecided as to what career she wanted to pursue.她仍旧犹豫不决,不确定自己将来想从事哪种职业。There are no hard and fast rules, but rather traditional guidelines as to who pays for what.关于谁来支付什么费用并没有明确的规定,只是遵循传统的准则罢了。I always keep fruit in the fridge so as to keep flies off it.我总是把水果放在冰箱里,以防虫子叮咬。They recycle empty tins so as to use the metal.他们回收空罐头盒以利用其金属。He paused enough to consider the options but never so long as to lose the initiative.他停顿了一会儿权衡自己有哪些选项,但并没有久到丧失主动权。His voice was so faint as to be almost inaudible.他的声音很微弱,几乎听不见。The President has gone so far as to charm truculent Congressmen.总统甚至亲自去争取桀骜不驯的国会议员们。We can only speculate as to this man's identity.对于这名男子的身份我们只能猜测。We arrived early at the theatre so as to preempt the front seats.我们早早来到剧院,以便捷足先登占到前排座位。The houses were so damaged by fire as to seem little more than the husks of dwellings.房屋被大火毁坏得非常严重,看起来仅剩下房间的空架子。Would you be so kind as to help me with my bags? 劳驾您帮我拿下包,好吗?The law should be enforced without distinction as to race, sex, or religion. 不同种族、性别或宗教信仰的人,在法律面前一律平等。The question arose as to who would be responsible for caring for our grandmother.出现的问题是,谁来负责照看奶奶。Its origin is so remote as to antecede all written records.它的起源远在一切文字记录以前。They must reduce the books price so as to bring them within the reach of all students.他们必须降低书价使所有学生都买得起书本。Be so good as to close the door when you leave.你离开时请把门关上。She had no doubt as to the correctness of her own estimate.她对自己所作估计的正确性确信无疑。We raced against the clock so as to fulfill our production plan according to schedule.我们争分夺秒以期按时完成生产计划。That applies to you as much as to them.那对你们和对他们同样有关系。The subject matter was so technical as to be beyond the ken of the average layman.该主题专业性太强,一般的外行人很难理解。Cut down the article so as to make it fit the space available on the paper.把文章缩短一些,这样就能排进报纸有限的版面中。




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