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词汇 little more than
例句 He was little more than a follower of current modes.他不过是个时尚的模仿者而已。The stable was little more than a rude shack.马厩不过是个简陋的窝棚。He was little more than a cipher who faithfully carried out the Fuehrer's commands.他只不过是个忠实执行元首命令的走狗。The President will be little more than a figurehead.总统将不过是个傀儡而已。After two days, the negotiators had done little more than agree to disagree.经过两天的谈判,谈判者除了同意各自保留不同意见外未取得任何结果。He's little more than a puppet.他只是一个傀儡罢了。He was raised by an uncle who treated him as little more than a menial servant.他由一位只不过把他当作低下仆人对待的叔叔抚养长大。It took little more than half an hour to reach there.只不过花了半小时就到达那儿了。The President will be little more than a figurehead.总统将和傀儡没什么区别。The houses were so damaged by fire as to seem little more than the husks of dwellings.房屋被大火毁坏得非常严重,看起来仅剩下房间的空架子。Repairs will begin in a little more than a month.修复工作将在一个月多一点后开始。The dog was little more than skin and bone / bones.这狗瘦得差不多皮包骨头了。They view activists as little more than meddlers.在他们眼中,积极分子不过是爱管闲事的人罢了。The task I have in mind requires little more than perceptiveness and a good memory.我在考虑的任务需要的正是洞察力和良好的记忆力。The business was little more than a financial black hole.这个企业只是财政上的无底洞罢了。This deal is little more than a fig leaf for the continued destruction of the landscape.这项协议不过是块遮羞布而已,用来掩盖对自然景观的持续破坏。His words came out as little more than a whisper.他的话就像是耳语。This part of the palace is little more than an afterthought.宫殿的这部分只是后来增建的。Information is highly compartmentalized, and one knows little more than he needs to know.情报分得很细,各人除了他必须知道的之外其他的几乎一无所知。The government sees the rebels as little more than a minor irritant.该政府并未把这些反叛者视作什么大麻烦。The fine was so low, it was little more than a slap on the wrist.罚款那么低,真是不痛不痒。He treated his wife as little more than a chattel.他把他的妻子当作私人财产。They ate little more than ice cream and hot dogs all day.他们几乎整天只吃冰激凌和热狗。He is little more than a convenient mouthpiece for the Prime Minister's own economic views.他或许仅被视为首相个人经济观点的传声筒。Many employees regarded Human Resources staff as little more than management lackeys.许多雇员都认为人力资源部的人不过是管理层的走卒。His job has a grand title, but he's little more than a clerk.他的工作听起来名堂大得很,可他不过是个职员。He left school with little more than a basic education.他只受了点基础教育就辍学了。He might be considered little more than a convenient mouthpiece for the Prime Minister's own economic views.他或许仅被视为首相个人经济观点的传声筒。These stock are generally calved down when little more than two years old.这些牲畜通常刚到两岁就产犊了。The poorly trained forces are little more than cannon fodder.那些缺乏训练的部队不过是炮灰而已。Until recently, anime had little more than a cult following outside Japan.以前,日本动画片在日本以外的追随者不多,这种情况最近发生了改变。The councils have little more than a decorative advisory function.各委员会仅有一点装装门面的咨询作用。The essay is little more than flag-waving.这篇文章不过是爱国主义的偏激言论而已。The play was little more than froth.这出戏只不过是些浅薄的空谈。The ancient canal is now little more than a muddy ditch.这条古运河现在仅仅是一条烂泥沟。Because of the drought, the river has become little more than a trickle.由于久旱不雨,河里的水只剩下一股细流了。Commissions and inquiries are little more than a device to allow politicians to put off taking decisions.成立委员会进行调查只不过是让政客推迟作出决定的花招。The wait was mercifully brief, little more than an hour.幸好等待的时间很短,不过一个小时多一点儿。The measures are little more than window dressing that will fade fast once investors take a hard look at them.这些措施不过是装饰门面而已,一旦投资者予以密切关注,就会原形毕露。The room contained little more than a table and chair.房间里除了一张桌子和一把椅子再没有什么了。




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