例句 |
I heard a tap, and Lila's face appeared at the window.我听到有人敲窗的声音,莉拉的脸出现在窗口。Lila came out into the yard with an air of happy confidence.莉拉带着高兴又自信的神情走出来到了院子里。Lila kept up a steady stream of chatter.莉拉一直说个没完。Lila's boat came to a dead stop.莉拉的船猝然停下。Lila cut in again, answering before he could even open his mouth.莉拉再一次打断了话,他还来不及开口她就作了回答。I heard Lila unlock the front door.我听到了利拉在前门开锁的声音。 |