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词汇 life
例句 She has had a hard life and deserves your pity.她曾生活艰辛,值得同情。The idea of public service has been a lodestar for her throughout her life.公共服务的理念已成为她终生的原则。We'll talk long into the night about the meaning of life.我们将讨论生命的意义直到深夜。Life on the island is no different from life on the mainland.岛上的生活和内陆的生活没有什么区别。He sat with his head buried in his hands as his sordid double life was revealed.自己卑鄙的双重生活被揭穿后,他双手抱头坐在那里。The city only comes to life at night.这个城市只有在晚上才会焕发生机。She must learn to adjust herself to English life.她必须学会适应英国的生活。The quality of life for pensioners in this country has certainly declined recently.该国领养老金者的生活质量近来肯定下降了。Our music is a joyous celebration of life.我们的音乐是对生活的欢乐颂扬。Many primitive life forms are found in the depths of the oceans.在大洋深处发现了许多原始生命形式。She loved the Spanish way of life and immediately felt at home there.她喜欢西班牙的生活,一到那里就觉得舒适自在。She has a rosy outlook on life.她的人生观乐观向上。I've always kept my private and professional life separate.我一向是将私生活和工作分开的。Doctors may terminate a pregnancy when the life of the mother is at risk.当母亲的生命受到威胁时,医生可能会让她终止妊娠。They followed a life of bohemianism.他们过着放荡不羁的生活。His mission is to help poor children. = He has made it his mission in life to help poor children. = He's a man with a mission: to help poor children.他的人生使命是帮助贫困儿童。The drowned man can not come to life.淹死的人不能复活了。There were no restaurants, no hotels, none of the life Nina thought she could step into.没有餐馆,没有旅店,尼娜从未想过自己会过这样的生活。My life was very hectic but empty before I met him.在遇到他之前,我的生活非常忙碌,但是却很空虚。Capitalism is regarded as a poison that is destroying the traditional way of life.资本主义被视作是正在破坏传统生活方式的有害事物。He helped his first wife take her life when she was dying of cancer.他曾帮助自己身患癌症、不久于人世的第一任妻子自杀。Adequate food and shelter are the minimum prerequisites of a decent life.要过一种体面的生活,充足的食物和栖身之所是起码的前提条件。The singer managed to breathe life into some tired old songs.这位歌手把老土的歌唱出了新意。I am getting old. I am in the twilight of my life.我老了,到了生命的暮年。He lives a drab life.他过着单调乏味的生活。The value of the machinery is amortized over its estimated useful life.机器的货款在其预计使用年限期间分期支付。It was as if all the joy had gone out of his life.仿佛所有的欢乐都从他的生命中消失了。Is there intelligent life elsewhere in the universe?宇宙中别的地方存在着智慧生命吗?You spend about a fifteenth of your life commuting.你一生中大约十五分之一的时间花在上下班的途中。All they had were the bare necessities of life.他们所有的仅仅是生活必需品而已。Throughout history, people have been intrigued by the question of whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.纵观历史,人们一直被这样一个问题吸引着:宇宙的其他地方是否也存在着有智力的生物?They've been together so long he's become a permanent fixture in her life.他们在一起太久了,他已经成为她生活中不可缺少的一部分。Annie grew up in comfort,knowing little of the seamy side of life.安妮在富裕安逸的环境中长大,不大知道生活的阴暗面。The museum celebrates the trivia of everyday life.这家博物馆收藏的是日常生活所用的各种小东西。Having spent most of his life in the Middle East, he knows the form.他在中东过了大半辈子,懂得那里的规矩。Who's the new man in your life, eh?谁是你生活中的新伴侣,嗯?He soon took on new ways of life.他不久就开始了新的生活方式。The precise details of the origins of life remain hidden.关于生命起源的确切详情仍旧是一个谜。All parents want to give their kids a head start in life.所有家长都希望让自己的孩子在人生道路上抢占先机。Other insurers will allow you to bolt on critical illness cover to standard life cover.其他保险公司允许在标准人寿险承保范围中增加重大疾病。




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