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词汇 license
例句 She quickly wrote the license plate number on her hand.她把车牌号码迅速写在手上。I dared not use my car until I could angle my license back.在我设法把执照弄回来之前,不敢再开车。She was arrested for driving without a license.她因无证驾驶被捕了。The restaurant had a license to serve alcohol.这家餐厅有售酒许可证。Dr. Atkins was found guilty of negligence and practising medicine without a license.阿特金斯医生被判玩忽职守及无照行医罪。I have to renew my license.我得更换我的驾驶证。The judge revoked her driver's license.法官吊销了她的驾驶执照。If you drive while drunk, you could lose your license, but even more to the point , you could kill someone.如果醉酒驾车,你可能会被吊销驾照,但更重要的是,可能会使人丧命。You can renew your driver's license online.你可以在网上延长驾照的有效期。The driver was arrested for having false licence / license plates on his car.司机由于使用假车牌而被拘捕。Hunting without a license will land you in trouble.无证狩猎将会使你陷入麻烦。Under the agreement, the council can license a U.S. company to produce the drug.根据协议,委员会可授权一家美国公司生产这种药品。The thieves had resprayed the truck and changed the license plates.窃贼重新喷涂了卡车车身,并改换了号码牌。Do you have a valid driver's license?你有有效的驾驶执照吗?He has a license to sell concessions at the ballpark.他有在棒球场摆摊卖东西的执照。I have to take a road test before I can get my license.我必须要进行路考才能拿到驾照。I'm going to the DMV this afternoon to get my driver's license renewed.我今天下午去机动车辆管理局换领新驾照。She had no driver's license. This was a real drag during her last years of high school.她没有驾驶执照,这使她中学的最后几年很不方便。He is charged with defacing his license plate.他被控涂没自己汽车的牌照。He's driving with a suspended license.他用已经吊销了的驾照开车。My driver's license has expired.我的驾照已经过期了。Not having your license with you while driving is an arrestable offence in many countries.在很多国家,驾驶时不带驾驶执照是可导致被逮捕的行为。The government revoked her husband's license to operate migrant labor crews.政府撤销了她丈夫管理外来打工人群的许可证。The restaurant's owner applied for a license to sell liquor.餐厅的老板申请了酒水经营许可证。He lost his driver's license because he exceeded the quota of traffic violations.由于交通违章积分超过了限额,他被吊销了驾照。Getting a gun license here seems to be just a formality.在这里取得持枪执照似乎只是个形式。Not paying the fine may mean revocation of your driver's license.不交罚款可能意味着要吊销你的驾驶执照。We also plug into the research facilities available, and license technology from independent sources.我们也开始使用可用的研究设施,并从独立来源获得技术许可。He radioed headquarters for a make on the car's license plate.他用无线电与总部通话,要求核查那辆汽车的牌照。The license granted hereunder shall not be effective until you have paid all fees in full. 据此给予的执照将于所有费用付清之后方可生效。She was punished by suspension of her driver's license.她受到吊销驾照的处罚。The lack of a license was pinching me.没有执照我感到很棘手。The witness had copied down the license plate number of the taxi the suspect used to get away.证人记下了嫌犯逃跑时乘坐的出租车的车牌号。They still need to procure a marriage license.他们仍需要取得结婚证。He had to show his license to prove his age.他不得不出示驾驶证来证明自己的年龄。I need to see your license.我得看一下你的执照。Birth certificates are needed for procurement of a marriage license.办理结婚许可证需提供出生证明。The police pulled his driver's license for drunk driving. = He had his license pulled for drunk driving.警察以醉驾为由没收了他的驾照。She had left in a hurry, and had forgotten her driver's license.她走得很急,忘了带驾驶证。Rebecca's disability prevented her from getting a driver's license.丽贝卡身体有残疾,使她不能取得驾驶证。




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