例句 |
Lester was sickly all through his childhood.莱斯特童年时体弱多病。Lester, the second son, was his father's favourite.二儿子里斯特是他父亲的宠儿。Lester, the second son, was his father's favorite.二儿子里斯特是他父亲的宠儿。I was close by as Lester was stretchered into the ambulance.莱斯特被用担架抬进救护车时我就在旁边。Lester's book is mostly about himself.莱斯特的书大部分是写他自己的。Lester finished speaking, and there was a ripple of rather lukewarm applause.莱斯特演说完毕,下面响起冷冷清清的掌声。These comments by Joy and Lester were reflective of the general attitude.乔伊和莱斯特的这些评论反映了普遍的态度。 |