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词汇 leopard
例句 This only goes to show how this racist leopard has in no way changed his spots.这恰恰说明了这个种族主义分子的本性从未改变过。The leopard seizes its kill and begins to eat.豹子抓住猎物,便吃了起来。They spotted game in vans painted with leopard spots and zebra stripes.他们在涂有豹斑和斑马条纹的货车内发现了猎物。A leopard hunts alone.豹子独自捕猎。The young deer are ideal prey for the leopard.小鹿是豹的理想猎物。A leopard cannot change his spots.本性难移。The leopard's claws slashed through soft flesh.豹的爪子切入柔软的肉里。He captured and collared a leopard.他捕获了一头猎豹并给它戴上了项圈。The leopard is stronger than any other of the great predators.豹比任何其他大猛兽的力气都大。After the leopard was caught, it was caged.豹被捉住后关进了笼子。The leopard is a skilful hunter.豹是一种捕猎本领高强的野兽。




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