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词汇 lent
例句 I've lent my car to George for the weekend.我把我的小汽车借给乔治周末用了。The bomb attack lent a new urgency to the peace talks.炸弹袭击使和谈问题更加紧迫。I wish I'd never lent him my car.我真希望自己没有借车给他。My uncle turned up trumps and lent me the money to go on holiday.我叔叔竟然很好说话,借给我外出度假用的钱。My parents lent me the money to buy a car, and I repaid them over the next year.父母借钱给我买车,我第二年把钱还给了他们。They had lent large sums of money to two companies in Northern Ireland.他们把大笔大笔的钱借给了北爱尔兰的两家公司。He lent his skill to the company.他把自己的技术贡献给公司。He lent them the house in good faith.他出于善意将房子借给了他们。I knew we were taking a risk when we lent him the money.我们借钱给他时,我就知道我们是在冒险。I lent her the money to get her out of a fix.我借钱给她让她渡过难关。The community lent full support to the mayor's plan.社区全力支持市长的计划。The bank lent her money to buy a car.银行贷给她钱买车。He lent money, made donations and encouraged others to do likewise.他又借钱又捐款捐物,并且鼓励别人也这样做。He lent himself to the schemes of Dionysius.他参与了狄奥尼修斯的阴谋。The appropriate use of dialect lent the novel great charm.方言的适当运用给这本小说增添了极大的魅力。I lent him several books, but he hasn't read any of them.我借给他几本书,但他一本还没读过。You know, that book you lent me is really bizarre.你知道吗,你借给我的那本书真的很怪诞。She lent a sympathetic ear to their complaints.她同情地倾听他们的怨诉。Enthusiastic applause lent a sense of occasion to the proceedings.热烈的掌声给活动平添了几分隆重感。She lent a sympathetic ear to Edward's troubles.她同情地倾听着爱德华的麻烦。The presence of members of the royal family lent a certain dignity to the ceremony.王室成员的出席为这场典礼增添了一种庄严的气氛。Ron lent me the money on condition that I paid it back within three weeks.罗恩把钱借给了我,条件是我必须在三周内把钱还给他。The government has lent millions of pounds to debt-ridden banks in contravention of local banking laws.政府无视当地的金融法规,已向负债累累的银行出借了数百万英镑。Some of the world's top dancers have lent their names to the project.一些世界顶级舞蹈家都支持这个项目。I felt that if I had pressed him he would have lent me the money.我觉得如果当时我逼逼他,他会把钱借给我的。Her southern accent lent authority to her performance.她的南方口音增加了她表演的真实性。I lent him money and he never paid me back.我借给他钱,可他从来不还给我。The marshy land at the mouth of the Neva River hardly lent itself to habitation.涅瓦河河口的沼泽地不适合居住。He had political points of view and lent his name to a lot of causes.他很有政治见解,对很多事业都予以支持。Her gran lent her a camera for a school trip to Venice and Egypt.她奶奶借给她一架相机,让她带上参加学校组织的威尼斯和埃及之旅。The uniforms lent a certain dignity to the ceremony.这些制服为仪式增添了几分庄严。His asides lent colour to the story.他即兴插入的话使故事生动了许多。The bank decided to go along with our proposal and lent us the two million pounds we needed.银行决定接受我们的提议,把我们所需的两百万英镑借给我们。Your mother once saved my bacon. She lent me money when I needed it.你母亲帮过我一次大忙,在我需要的时候借过钱给我。I've nearly finished that book you lent me.你借给我的那本书我快要读完了。The riots lent impetus to attempts to improve conditions for prisoners.骚乱推动当局作出努力改善囚犯服刑条件。When can you bring back those books I lent you?我借给你的那些书你什么时候能带回来?An in-house study has lent credence to the complaints of poor and impersonal service.一次在机构内部进行的调查证明大家抱怨服务糟糕、缺乏人情味是有根据的。Her long dark hair lent her a certain glamour.她长长的黑发为她增添了一种魅力。The government has now lent its support to the campaign.政府现已开始支持这场运动了。




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